Who Is Really Depressed?

Who Is Really Depressed? She's emo. I feel sorry for her."

What's there to feel sorry about? Is it that we are rumored to be ' cutters', or the depressed ones? Could it be that when they walk into rooms, they give off a dark feeling? If you talk to an emo, you'll find out that he/she isn't depressed. Some may be depressed, and cut themselves, but look at it this way. Can all of them really be depressed?

Anyone can be depressed. It may be the cheerleader that you think, " She's in pink. She's not emo, so she's not depressed." Or the loner that no one truly knows. Somehow people think if you dress in dark colors, and like bands that are on the dark side, you're depressed. Even if you walk in to Hot Topic, some person may just call you a ' cutter'. That's how people think now a days. Dressed in black everyday, depressed. Dressed in pink, your football team jacket, or anything that is ' preppy' you're not depressed.

Also, if you cover your wrist with tons of gummy bracelets, or any bracelets, people think " She cuts herself." But, how do you know that? What about the cheerleader that wears jackets that covers her arms, or a shirt that cover's her arms? How do you know that she didn't put on heavy make-up just to cover up scars?

How do you know if a scar was forced, or it just happened on mistake?

How come it's the emos only getting attacked day after day? What not the jocks, or the cheerleaders? Why is it that we must label people as soon as we see them? Could it be that it is just a human thing to do? Or is it that know a days if your not labeled you aren't nothing to the school? Just a group of loners? If your hair has coontails, or crazy stuff in it, are you emo?

What has happened to the days when no one cared what you where wearing, or how you looked? Why do we now care what someone is wearing?

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