Little Boy Makes Miraculous Recovery - Comments

  • All ye of little faith
    April 13th, 2009 at 06:18pm
  • I don't exactly doubt that this happened, but maybe how much you understood it.

    No offense. I'm sure the boy made a miraculous recovery, but I don't exactly think part of his brain grew back. Thats impossible. All cells in the body regenerate except nerve cells, aka brain cells.

    So I think you just didn't exactly understand what happened medically. All the same, it's an amazing recovery.

    And yes, I am a Christian. Just by the way.
    March 30th, 2009 at 01:34am
  • faith can do a lot but sacraments initiating one into the Catholic church do not have healing power...
    nor does any Almighty Priest
    March 29th, 2009 at 08:43pm
  • Great article!!! I absolutely loved it. I live in the same town as MaggAims2Live and It is a true story. The parents did not publicize this story to any major people. It was in the local newspaper. It is a true story and a very good one! This proves what faith and God can do! Good job MaggAims2Live!!! I loved it and truely believe as you already know. All those who heed AxelBlack, thats your choice and there is nothing wrong with it, but this is a true story and heed to what Magg says!!!! Its true, for I live in the same place!
    March 29th, 2009 at 08:41pm
  • For all others following this coversation, let me bring you up to date...
    MaggAims2Live posted the same below comment on my profile.

    I replied:
    I'm sorry you found it obnoxious
    but this story just doesn't seem very plausible
    If it did happen, (his brain grew back together??) why do only you know about it, and what does rituals binding one into a denomination and church have to do with healing?

    MaggAims2Live said:
    Ok, well maybe I only know about it because it happened in my town about a decade and a half ago, and they're not just rituals. They're Holy Sacraments - physical signs instituted by Jesus to give us grace. Through these sacraments, God used his power to heal Sean.

    I then replied:
    Jesus never institued these things
    he told us we need to fellowship and he broke bread and passed the cup, asking us to do so in rememberance of him, but he never talked about such sacraments. A lot of Catholics make the mistake of thinking they will get into heaven if they faithfully do these as well as other things, and that's where it goes to far. The sacrament becomes more than a remberance and symbol - people rely on them or, in some cases, for Jesus to work through them. It doesn't happen. If God did heal the little boy, it was according to His will, which was going to take place whether sacraments were given to Him or not.
    I still also think there should be at least soem record of this somewhere but no one has found anything... I mean, these things just don't pass under the media's nose unnoticed. I'm sure that the news of a person's brain growing back in places wuold astoiund a lot of doctor, considering this is supposed to be impossibe. Hey, I belive in miricles but this is just not anatomically and medically sound. Sorry I know you must be getting very irritated at the length of my reply, but I feel like I have to explain myself fully when i talk about such things.

    My current comment, though MaggAims2Live has not replied to my last one yet:
    Maybe you should read the article The Truth About Christianity by Eagle...
    March 29th, 2009 at 05:02pm
  • Okay, well Jesus is part of the rituals. He is how the rituals take place. He makes them mean something. And while the priest performed the sacraments, God could have been connecting with Sean in his mind. Who knows how it feels to be in a coma like that? Perhaps he was giving his consent to God.
    And that was a really obnoxiously long comment.
    March 29th, 2009 at 04:04am
  • This doesn't make much sense to me
    I mean, it could have happened, but... his brain grew back together? Um.
    Okay, let's say he recovered, but even if you jive with the whole Catholic thing, it doesn't work very well.
    In tradition denominations like Anglican, Episcopal, and Catholic, baptism is done at infancy.
    So he recieved it later, nothing wrong with that. Infants don't know they're being baptized, don't make the decision, and
    so there's not much wrong with the picture of an unconcious boy recieving baptism under parental wishes... though I think if they're old enough, it should be a personal decision.

    However, since baptism at infancy is more a welcoming of a child into a church or church's denomination and includes pledges from the family to halp raise the child in a godly lifestyle, this is not the baptism that takes place in, say,a baptist church, where a person has made a personal decision to give their life to Christ.
    So if this is a Catholic thing, baptism is more a plade to provide godly councel and to sort of mark the child as a Catholic.

    But that's where confirmation comes in... since kids who are baptized as little kids or babies didn't make the decision themselves, they're confirmed. This is when the child makes a personal dedication of their life to christ, though it's usually not their decision to be confirmed anyway, it's still where they get the chance to be sort of baptized under their own will. (Though like I said, if you're from a stricter Catholic family, it's going to take place whether you want it to or not.)
    But the kid couldn't really take that second step if he was unconcious... it involves his consent and, at best, his knowledge of it happening. if not, then there's no commitment, just a priest administering a prayer and probably a seal or sacred oils on his forehead. This could go on without his conciousness or consent, but that's not how it's spiritually suppoes to happen.

    Thirdly, the partaking of the 'bread of life and cup of salvation'... how could this little kid recieve holy communion (usually given for the first time after being confimed) while he was unconcious? And not only that, how would he be able to make the spiritual connection whilst partaking? It's not that the rituals shouldn't be done, but if they're done to someone who doesn't even know it's happening, how could any spiritual transformation take place?

    These sacrements are symbolic. Once someone partakes of Communion or undergoes confirmation will not mean they're saved.
    If you go to church and go through these motions, it doesn't make you a Christian. It's a personal descision and unless that descision has taken place, the sacrament of communtion means no more to that person than just bread and wine. Rituals and traditions like Communion are great symbolic reminders of His love and sacrifice of us, but they will not save your soul and they will even less save someone who doesn't know that it's happening to them.

    This story could be true, but if so, i doubt ver much that it was the administering of rituals upon an unconcious little boy that prompted recovery.
    HIs parents praying might have done a lot more good. Not praying over him, like the priest, but praying to God that he would allow their child to get better.
    Nothing, even beloved traditions like baptism, confimation, and fist communion, will ever replace a personal relationship with God, an understanding that they cannot earn thier way into heaven through such things, and a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, knowing he died for them and, as he says, that's all that needs to be done.
    Plenty of people have devoted their lives to Christ, walked in his ways, accepted his forgiveness, and, I'm sure, are in heaven even if they haven't been to church once in their life. The Bible tells us we should fellowship and partake of the cup in remembrance of Him, but he doesn't use it as a staple for salvation. Rituals can't save - only Jesus can.
    March 27th, 2009 at 05:30pm
  • I agree with colour me stupid.
    I don't think she wrote this down to be truthful, more...just to give people hope, ya'know?
    March 26th, 2009 at 03:53am
  • I don't know why people are ripping this apart.
    Little boy got hurt. He's getting better. That's a nice story.
    At least I think so.
    Good article, made me smile =]
    March 25th, 2009 at 07:25pm
  • People, everyone that is saying "Oh this is just a way to get people to convert" and all that "This could never happen" "there are no such thing as mericles" are probably making the person who wrote this feel really bad, your INSULTING another faith and not to mention, do all of you know everything in the universe? Are you gifted with a scientific sight to the world and know for a fact that mericles are fake?

    For the most part, you don't understand this, you don't understand what happened and so you need to try to put it in a context you can comprehend. I liked the story, if it isn't true, well, it still brings hope to me. Ghost stories are untrue, right? And yet they scare you, so why can't a fake stroy of Gods love bring hope, and if it is true, then this boy is truely blessed and I hope he is fine now.
    March 25th, 2009 at 04:59pm
  • Yet on the same day, thousands of other children died all around the world. I guess God didn't love them.
    March 25th, 2009 at 03:44am
  • This was a nice story and all,
    and if it is true, which seems highly unlikely,
    than I am very happy for the little boy and his family,
    I agree with one of the comments below...
    why was the little boy so special?
    There are people out there starving to death, dying painfully,
    great people, innocent people who have absolutly nothing,
    right now there are tiny children in Africa who are starving and watching their parents slowly die from AIDS, why aren't they being helped?
    There are people who attend church reguarly and do everything they can to follow what the bible says and yet they die from horribly diseases every day...
    my grandpa has gone to church every wendsday, friday, saturday, and sunday for the past 40 years and his difibulator has had to save his life 3 times. He litterally died in teh back seat of my dads car and his difibulator brought him back to life...why is God helping him? He's a great guy?
    That's why I don't think this story is real.
    I really hate it when people try to push religion on to people. Show me proof that this all happened....
    show me proof that god is truly saving people's lives with his miracles and thats when I'll start believing...
    until then I'll continue to believe in logic
    March 25th, 2009 at 12:55am
  • The Holy Eucharist comes before Confirmation.
    March 24th, 2009 at 05:51pm
  • I hope you do know that brain parts just can't regrow, cause they DON'T. I googled the title of this article about a dozen times, different ways, and and still didn't see any matching knews. All I saw were logical recoveries of tragic incidents with scienific proo to back-up the recoveries.
    March 24th, 2009 at 04:16am
  • fool's paradise I never said that the people in this story were evangelists, just that evangelists do use ploys like this. I also have to agree with Gabe and EvilBunny3xxx
    March 23rd, 2009 at 10:53pm
  • v LOL pwnt.
    March 23rd, 2009 at 07:14am
  • Hey maggs, gabe here, long time no see. In fact it's been a long time since we've fundamentally disagreed on all the most important questions in life.
    So, to begin. Sometimes you see people write comments like, 'this should be a journal'. Well, I'm just gonna put it out there, but this 'Article' should be in your story section. Becuase that's what it is, a niec story, better written than most on mibba but, to speak frankly, the plot was a little predictable. It read like one of those long, drawn out jokes but without the punchline.

    My suggestion is to revise a little, you know, do some background research, read some classic jokes like the one about superman at a bar and then apply what you learn.
    let me clarify, this [i]is[/i] a joke, just one that needs a better punchline.

    No, but seriously First of all, if someone had [i]regrown[/i] part of their brain, I'm pretty sure it would make some MAJOR NEWS because that's what people have been trying to do for the last say, i dunno, 100 odd years. Trust me, it would be on BBC.
    Oh, not to mention the fact that the doctor who treated the kid would probably be hailed as a national, if not international hero. As yet, i've heard nothing.

    Basically, it's a nice story, and i'm sure it sounded good at church, but really, be serious.

    March 23rd, 2009 at 06:47am
  • If that story is true, it's a very nice one. But I really doubt it was really a god that did it. Don't think the preist. All he did, according to your story, was chant a few words, then got all the credit. But i agree with the people that are saying this story just seems like a ploy to get people to convert.
    It's not working. just saying.
    And if it is true, tell me one thing. Why did your god help that little boy? What made him so special? Why wouldn't he help the other little children starving to death in other countries? Why doesn't he help the teens forced to fight as soliders? Why doesn't he help the people that lose their homes from fire and floods? Why doesn't he help the people trapped during natual disasters? Why didn't he help the jews being gased? They belived strongly in him, too. Does he not want to help them? Is he just sitting back and watching? If he's really the all-powerful, surely he could help some of this. So why not?
    You tell me.
    March 23rd, 2009 at 01:54am
  • wow, this is a very interesting story. is it real?
    March 23rd, 2009 at 12:22am
  • God sure is an amazing person, huh? :]
    I'm not a Catholic, I'm a Baptist, but I will tell you people that the things that happen in your lives, the so called 'miracles', is God. He wants you to be happy, all he asks in return is belief :]

    There was a deadly trainwreck in my town not too long ago and the man in the car walked out of the car, unharmed. The Sunday before was his first time ever going to church in his whole life, besides funerals. It was an amazing thing :]

    Keep in mind, that I don't care what you think of God, he is real and he cares for you :]
    March 22nd, 2009 at 10:23pm