Preggy Baby?

Preggy Baby? This argument is just sad and irritating for us to discuss now and then but its really common for this time of generation. Teenage girls are just somehow innocent to experience such thing called "pregnancy". At early age a huge number of teenage girls experience this and 7 out of 10 minors abort their baby because their too afraid to tell their parents. Here in the Philippines abortion is completely illegal but people just wont take care and cooperate due to the challenge of life.

Part of the 16.5 million Filipinos belong to the 15-24 or younger year old age range. We are faced to what is just true that at a very young age, many of minors today have children of their own. 30 % of all births belong to this age group; and by the age of 20, 25% of the youth are already mothers.Its just blank to realize, is it our fault or theirs?

As a part of growing up teenagers are open to girl-boy relationships and sexual urges. Teenagers are just too young to say no to anything but they still have their chances and control. In the early generations teenage girls are experiencing pregnancy due to lack of knowledge about such things. But these days curiosity and addiction to sex is what leads them to teenage pregnancy.

Causes are lack of financial support that is why they are sometimes forced to do prostitution. Another is an outcome of curiosity, the doings of boy-girl relationships, imitating what they see and rape cases. Some of them die due to giving birth. Effects are as follows when they cannot support the baby they leave their babies to an orphanage, some do abortion, suicide, kill their babies or just live there life as a downfall. Some still continue their studies and finish what can they finish. Others think that even if their young they seem to believe that babies are gift from God.

These things often happen because of the seeming lack option for pregnant teenagers; because of the supposed shame that the pregnancy brings, many would rather deal with it on their own rather than involving their family and friends. One can just imagine the impact pregnancy would bring to a pregnant teen. Even married couples experiences fears when pregnancy arises, how much more for the young teenagers.

Questions and a lot more questions would pop out from the minds’ of these young girls. "What is now to happen to my studies? Who would I tell this to? How should I tell this to my parents? What is to happen now? With all these questions coming out, who will then try to enlighten? Friends, who might say keep the baby; or friends, who suggest to get rid of the baby? When the parents, the supposedly right persons to tell to, do not even know? My question is, who can help these people to make the right choice?"

Pregnancy is a gift. The baby is a miracle, a great gift and treasure from God. Pregnancy is not a sin neither a crime. It is merely a result of a consummated relationship; pregnancy may not be planned by man but has long been laid out in the perfect plan of our Creator. For my readers I really would want every living teenage girls to make a commitment that we are not in the right age to experience such thing so be careful.

It is highly appreciated if all of you would think of yourself, your future, your family and especially God.

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