Lindsay Lohan: Messed Up or Misunderstood?

Lindsay Lohan: Messed Up or Misunderstood? Lindsay Lohan. No doubt you’ve heard her name on the six o’clock news or in a gossip magazine. She’s well known for being a party girl, to the extent that she’s had three check ins at rehab, an arrest warrant issued that was later removed, and is currently on probation.

But is she really all that messed up? Lohan has been trying to get her life back on track in the last few months, attending alcohol rehab programs and breaking up with girlfriend Samantha Ronson recently.

Whilst most celebrities try and hide their past mistakes, Lohan has been able to find the bright side and poke fun at her recently single status by making a spoof dating video that was posted on recently. It was a brave thing for Lohan to do.

Lindsay Lohan recently caught up with Marie Claire magazine to do an interview, and when talking about her party girl past, Lohan said “I knew so much at the age of 12 - I’d seen so much. So it’s surprising to me that I got into certain things that I got into, because I knew not to.”

Whilst battling with weight problems (reports have said she’s down to only 41kg), Lohan has been working on getting a new album out called A Little More Personal (Raw). On her music career, she says “obviously I want to sell records, but I do it because I find it therapeutic. In music I can be myself.”

Of course, there is hope that Lohan will be able to straighten out her life. Actor Drew Barrymore faced the same problems when she was a child star, getting into alcohol at the age of 11 and cocaine at the age of 13, going to rehab twice starting at the age of 14.

Lindsay Lohan has decided to try and tone down her party girl image, taking a small role on the family friendly show Ugly Betty, to get her back into acting. Whilst she keeps a majority of gossip magazines occupied, she says she’s sick of the rumours and her life being blown out of proportion. “It’s weird, it’s like where do they get those things from?” Lohan says. “Whatever, it’s fine. I know my real name.”

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