Discrimination Against Mexicans: Fair?

Discrimination Against Mexicans: Fair? Over the past few weeks we've been witnesses of the pandemic swine flu outbreak which has now invaded countries such as: Mexico, USA, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Germany and other countries.

Needless to say, this has developed a fear if that's what you want to call it, towards Mexican, and people avoid us like the plague. Not only are we feared in our own country but we are close to being despised by other countries. The swine flu outbreak was given in Mexico City, so other states such as Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Baja California, etc. hate us for starting the outbreak.

In the last week there was one case of swine flu discovered in China, from a Mexican flight from the airline Aeromexico, which made the Chinese authorities take measures, and some of them are even considered discriminatory, offensive, ruthless and irrational.

According to the reports one of the people in that flight was indeed infected with the AH1N1 virus, which immediately made the Chinese authorities at the airport take action by locking up all the people in that flight in a hotel near the Beijing Airport.

After having been asked by the Mexican representative in China to let them see the people locked up, the Chinese government refused to let him through, which only caused more outrage by the Mexican people.

I do have to say, this measures are completely correct however, it has come out that not only are they locked up but they're also in insanitary conditions and there are three minors in there.

It has also come to light that not are only the people that just arrived being locked up, but also people who've been residing in China far before than when this outbreak happened, and just by the single fact of having a Mexican passport they are being locked up and placed in quarantine when they obviously don't share any of the symptoms or are infected with the AH1N1 virus by any means.

Not only has the Mexican representative has asked for this people to be let out, but it has also been asked by Felipe Calderón, the Mexican president. He has declared this measures to be discriminatory and provoked by a lack of information and ignorance by other countries and not only China.

In my opinion, the measures taken by the Chinese government against the Mexican flight were completely right and accepted, however, placing them in a dingy hotel with bad conditions and claimed they are being placed in "quarantine" is simply an inhumane way to treat this people, the correct way of doing it should've been transferring them to a hospital and placing them in a real quarantine.

On other hand, the measures taken to Mexican people who were residing there weeks and even months before the swine flu outbreak are completely and utterly a result of lousy information, ignorance and fear. Automatically leading to a discriminatory treatment not only from Chinese themselves but by other countries as well.

Do you think the measures taken are over the top or correct? Are they discriminatory or not?

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