Discrimination Against Mexicans: Fair? - Comments

  • MusicalGigixoxo

    MusicalGigixoxo (300)

    Puerto Rico
    Discrimination against Mexicans and Chinese or other people isn't the whole point. It's pointless to blame anyone but everyone! Pig was never meant to be eaten, PERIOD. It isn't something people should eat, because it's like if you were eating a garbage can when you eat pork.
    It isn't Kosher, PERIOD.
    Everyone can blame the Mexicans or the Russians or the Chinese or whomever they want; but the thing is that it's everyones fault, Americans, Chinese or whatever country that eats pig meat,
    It's unjustly and hypocritical to blame Mexicans,Chinese or whatever because in the end what do Americans, especially in New York, eat the most?
    Hot dogs! Sandwiches with ham (PASTRAMI), mini sausages for breakfast, bacon, pork rinds; any food product that is made with pig meat or anything from a pig isn't Kosher and the thing is that EVERYONE EATS THAT!
    i'm sorry if i have caused any offense to anyone here but it's true. Mexicans and Chinese people are not the only ones who eat pork food products. I could almost say that Americans, the majority eat the most pork. Because it's everywhere, even on cheese!
    And if people are too blinded too see that....well then that's bad.
    No one has a right to discriminate anyone, because it's everyone's fault.
    (Except the Jews and all of the other people who don't eat any food product related with pork or pork meat itself.)
    May 4th, 2009 at 05:02pm
  • dexter

    dexter (450)

    Discrimination is never fair. Fear can make people do alot of fucked up things. If the swine flu were to have spread somewhere else, the discrimination would have been towards them. I think it's bullshit what people are doing, blaming Mexico for something that could've happened anywhere else, instead of reaching out and helping at least a bit.. -___-' People never learn.

    Nice article. :D
    May 4th, 2009 at 03:02pm
  • manic!molly

    manic!molly (200)

    United States
    I do feel that its quite extreme. In my state, people are afraid to eat in mexican restaurants. Its funny because 1. Where I live aren't many mexicans working in these mexican restaurants. 2. Just because the outbreak seemed to start in mexico doesn't mean every mexican is carrying it. Some ignorant people are treating this like AIDS back in the last millenuim- its rediculous. I loved your article. Done ranting.
    May 4th, 2009 at 12:15pm