Teen Angst Being Brought Down By Its Haters?

Teen Angst Being Brought Down By Its Haters? Teen angst is something we have all written at least once in our lives. Something that has helped us to get our feelings out when we were teens. Now it's being looked down upon even by some us us, teens. What they don't get is that we need it. We need it to get our feeling out. It's a place for us to escape to when we have to where else to go. Writing it helps us with our lives in ways we don't even notice.

Just think about it. If we didn't write about how much we think our lives suck, how much we want this to just end, and how much we just wanted to be older already or we just wanted to die, where do you think we'd be right now? Some of us might commit suicide. Some of us may run away. Turn to drugs and alcohol. But when we write it releases all of that. It gets our feelings out without taking drastic measures. Some people just don't realise how much of an effect this has on us.

And for all the people who try to get us to stop writing teen angst... You need to stop that. I've had people tell me before that they don't know if I really want to write because I want to or because it's cool. And also, telling me my writing was no different that the typical teen angst. This person had read all of my poems I've ever written.

So I told her to back off. I explained all of this to her. I told her that if she didn't like it then why did she read it? And if my poems were any different than the "typical teen angst" then what would they be? Just poems. That is like me saying you should stop writing horror books because they are no different than any other horror book I read. It's supposed to be scary. It was.

After I told this person all this stuff guess what? She blocked me. But I really don't care. It's my life and my writing. Although I do admit that she did at first intimidate me from writing anymore, I knew what I wanted and I knew what was true.

So there's that. Teen angst. The one genre everyone seems to have problems with. Well, don't stop writing it if anyone gives you a problem. Just ignore them and go your own way. Remember. It was these type of situations that got you writing it to begin with.

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