Gay? Fine By Me

Gay? Fine By Me We live in a country where we can get as many tattoos as we want, where women have the opportunity to do everything a man can do, and minorities have the same rights as the majority. But, do you know what the main thing that we are arguing about is? Gay marriage.

In the United States there are only four states that allow gay marriage. Those include Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Vermont. The next state that is most likely going to add it in is New Hampshire. Almost five out of fifty states are legalizing gay marriage. That is sad.

People discriminate against gay people because most say that it is looked down upon in The Bible. Even non Christians say that it is looked down upon. What happened to separation between church and state? And also, in the Bible it says that it is okay to stone your wife. What about that part? If you are going to argue with the Bible, get your facts straight.

Recently, California placed Prop Eight in effect. Before Prop Eight California allowed gay marriage, but now all of those gay couples are now going to be divorced. Isn’t that unfair? Would you like it if someone toyed with your right to marriage? Would you like to be married and then have your home state rip it away from you? I think I know the answer.

This next question is for the people that are straight and reading this. Would you like it if someone took away your right to marry the love of your life? I am not trying to be mean, I just want to know. Just simply because I don’t think you would. This is a horrible thing.

Now, I know most people are excepting me to bash Miss California. I am not going to. I believe that the way she stated her opinions was very diplomatic of her, and I congratulate her on that.

I have many friends that are gay. I know many gay people. I am a part of my schools local GSAT, Gay and Straight Acting for Tolerance. A lot of my friends are gay, lesbian, or bi. My schools German teacher is gay. I have a gay uncle. One of my really good friends gets discriminated by her parents for being a lesbian. This makes me sick to my stomach. If her own parents do not support her, how does she expect anyone else to?

Just like other issues, this needs to be stopped.

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