Goodbye Grandma, Hello Motherhood!

Goodbye Grandma, Hello Motherhood! Invitro Fertilization is the process where eggs are removed from a woman's body, fertilized by sperm outside of the womb, and then placed in the woman's uterus in hope of a successful pregnancy. In women past menopause the eggs are normally from an egg donor, leaving the mother with no genetic link to the child.

Because of this technology, a huge controversy has risen. Is there any age to be considered too old to be a mother? This question has come up again as experts criticize Elizabeth Adeney for her choice to become a mother at the age of 66. Elizabeth is 8 months pregnant and is set to become the record-holder for Britain's Oldest Mother. As these experts continued to criticize her choice, Elizabeth shot back with this comment,

"It's not my physical age that's important - it's how I feel inside,"

This I think is a valid point. If a woman is physically healthy, and feels she has the capability to bring a child into the world should she not be able to do so? But experts are still skeptical reminding Elizabeth and the world that she will be 80 years old when her child is still a teenager.

While she may be physically capable of taking care of a child now, who's to say she will be at the age of 80 or even 75?

This is a question that only time will answer.

As this story was being covered Professor Severino Anitori made this comment,

"It is possible to give a child to the mother up to the age of 83 but it is medically criminal to do this because the likelihood is the child will lose his mum and suffer from psychological problems."

Another valid point. While anyone stands the chance of losing a parent or parents at a young age, children of women this age have a higher chance of losing their mother's a a very young age. Even with medical advances that are extending our life-spans every day a good percentage of people die in their late 70's or early eighties. With that in mind the child would have a high risk of losing their mom when they are still a teen.

So should there be a cut-off age for motherhood? If a woman is fit and fully capable of taking care of a child should she be denied the right? Or is it just plain selfish as the media has put it, to have a child at that age?

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