Interview With A Veteran

Interview With A Veteran This interview was done in the early evening on the interviewee's back porch sitting in lawn chairs. He was a veteran in the Air Force about 20 years ago.

Why did you join the air force?

There were no other options. I had to leave and I didn't know how to get into college.

Where were you stationed and what was it like there?

Kadena air force base in Okinawa Japan. It was hot and muggy, a small island with giant cockroaches. The young people there liked us Americans and the old people hated us.

What was your typical day there?

Get up, and go to work. You had to be in the heat and sun and pester people for there IDs, and people didn't really like us. After work we (veterans) would all hang out and go to the club/disco.

What were your responsibilities?

The uniforms had to be perfect, I had to arrest anyone that didn't belong in the secure area. Sometimes we just had to walk around the area and make sure no one hopping the fence. We had pretend situations, like pretend attacks.

Did you enjoy serving?

Yes and no. There were a lot of good friends, we had a lot of good times, hanging out, but we were also stuck like being in prison, serving time.

Did you ever regret joining?

Well most people say they would never do it again. After getting out sometimes you had nightmares that you did accidentally do it again.

What did you do in your spare time there?

Mostly we all drank, sometimes I had a girlfriend, but nothing constructive.

Do you still speak with any of your friends?

Not anymore. I don't where any of them are. Someone used to visit me for a while.

Was it hard being away from your family?

Especially at first, but it easier the people I worked with became family.

What did the air force teach you?

How crazy people can be, how to shoot, how people try to get away without doing any work, how people are different and the same as me.

What did you do after the air force?

I went to work at a bank, then a long stream of low level jobs, and then a good job in computers. Then I had a family and went to school on a veterans grant.

Why did you decide to become a math teacher?

chose math because I thought it would be easier to get a job. I also thought it would be exciting instead of working by myself.

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