What Is The Difference, Between You And Me?

What Is The Difference, Between You And Me? Dear Person,

People like that disgust me, and I'm sure you’re disgusted, too. In that little summary over there, I switched things around. Into a world where homosexual people were accepted and where straight people were the misfits, the unwanted. Does that make sense to you? Maybe you believe that my summary is totally out of order. But maybe you’re just not looking at it straight. Let me clear it out for you.

In a world where a pencil case is called a pencil case and a banana is called a banana. If we were to call a pencil case a holder, would it not seem abnormal? If we called a banana yellow, would you not think that was stupid? Our brains have been molded into thinking that a banana can only be called a banana and pencil case can only be a pencil case. It’s the same thing, just a different name.

But yet, we find it disturbing, our brains have been molded and formed into devices which are immediately taken to think, a banana isn’t a banana with the name yellow. So, is this not the same case for homosexuals? Have our brains not been taught that a homosexual are out of place and not acceptable? Can you feel your brain agreeing with me? It’s true, without thinking, the first thing that comes to your head when you think of a homosexual.

Pink. Pretty. Girly. Weird.

Weird may not have come up but I’m sure that it’s in there, somewhere in the background. You have learnt that there is a difference between this sexual race and the other, and it isn’t a good thing. So what about the gay people? Who in this world suffer? It’s not you and it’s not me, but I’m sure they’re out there. So, what is the big deal here? Because of one indifference people have to suffer. They have to deal with name calling, work discrimination and sexual discrimination altogether! Tell me, how was this ever fair? How can it be that even to this modern day, we still cannot accept the different types of people out there? Are we such a discriminatory generation, that we act as our past ancestors would back in their day?

In a world where telephones are updated every day to something more efficient, where a new child is born each hour of each day, must we still carry on a heavy form of racism? Would you call it racism? I would, aren’t they both the same? People are being discriminated for it; they are treated unfairly and unjustly. Can’t we change this? You can, with the press of a button my article could be printed and I think things could change and slowly our narrow minds would open, and we would be more aware of everyone; gays, straights, who cares? We’re all the same in the end.

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