What Happened To Just Holding Hands? - Comments

  • um. . . I'm going to have to agree with everyone whose commented. it wans't very reseached. And well it kinda sucked!
    June 24th, 2009 at 11:45pm
  • Um...first of all the shorts are called 'Daisy Duke shorts', second of all boys and girls don't go that fast....and yeah, pretty much you just slapped a photo of a couple holding hands in black and white, and spent a few minutes writing an article.
    June 24th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • This article was not very well researched. Nor was it well written. I'm too tired to write my opinion, but to the Kinsey comment below mine, Kinsey was awesome; have you seen the movie? Neat stuff.
    June 19th, 2009 at 09:23am
  • Just out of interest, you've never been to the fifties have you? Look, i suggest you consider looking up the work of a man named Alfred Kinsey, because as far as i'm aware, relationships in the fifties were not significantly different to how they are today. People were a little more repressed and, as you showed in your article, judgmental and ignorant, but this isn't a good thing. How is it positive that a women couldn't wear shorts and gay men weren't acceptable? I would say that we should be proud of the progress our society has made in terms of acceptance and tolerance.

    June 19th, 2009 at 08:50am
  • that was a really good article and i totally agree.
    Good information.
    June 18th, 2009 at 09:07am
  • I do think people in the 50's had as much sex as we do, but I do agree that people should not dress so revealing, I know and respect that people have a right to wear what they want, but we have a right not to see it.
    June 18th, 2009 at 05:08am
  • This article pisses me off. You know what heterosexual relationships were like in the fifties? They were [i]shit.[/i] Women did not have a voice. Women did not have rights. Women were abused and raped by their partners and told to suck it up when they tried to protest. There was no RAINN, there was no Domestic Violence Hotline, there was [i]nothing[/i]. Women had no one to whom they could turn. A lot of them were prisoners in their own relationships, and this was considered [i]normal[/i] and [i]good.[/i] And you want to go [i]back[/i] to that? Please get ALL the facts about an era before writing an article about it.

    If I had to chose between a woman being regularly physically and emotionally abused by her partner and a woman [i]willingly[/i] giving up her virginity to someone, I'd choose the latter without any hesitation.
    June 17th, 2009 at 09:40pm
  • The only thing I like about the 1950's is the fashion..There actually in fact was casual sex, partying and wearing revealing clothing.
    And don't even get me started on the sexism..
    Yeah, I really didn't like this article..
    June 17th, 2009 at 08:07am
  • Yes, I agree that a lot has changed, but I didn't quite catch the point of this article. I agree with Ljung., In the fifties it was extremely hard for women. It was a scandal to wear pants. This era is better then the 50's.

    Besides if you really would like to complain about our era think about who raised us. The same people who grew up with the "values". It depends more on the people as individuals rather than all people as a whole.

    More research and a little less bias would have made this a better article.
    June 17th, 2009 at 08:00am
  • Honestly, if you actually read books on sexism from the fifties and even before, you'll read that there WAS promiscuity, just very hidden promiscuity. I think you had good intentions with this article, but you needed more detail, more facts.
    Personally, I love to wear short shorts and low cut tops, but I also don't let guys in my pants just BECAUSE I wear those kind of clothes. I think we should be happy we have the freedom to wear what we want now.
    But hey. To each his own.
    June 16th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • I agree with the other comments.

    [i]Life was so much easier in the nineteen-fifties...[/i]

    Nope. Especially if you were a woman. Since this article discusses sex and relationships, in the fifties, women were repressed. There was so much sexism, women didn't have any control over their reproductive system when Birth Control first came out, they could only work if they were single, I could go on. So I'm glad to be in this era, and if that means girls walk around in revealing clothing, hey, feminism.
    June 16th, 2009 at 08:53pm
  • I'm a bit of a fifties-o-phile and love the time period to death, but I do have to agree with the others. There was quite a lot of promiscuity in the fifties as well as chastity, but it was rather repressed as well.

    That's what I love about it. ;D Ah, the scandal!
    June 16th, 2009 at 06:40pm
  • I don't see how that would be an ideal time to go to.
    When I think those times, I think sexual repression.
    Sex is natural, sex is gonna happen no matter what decade.
    It's just what is percived as normal for the time.

    Just because revealing clothing and public speaking about sex wasn't common in the past, doesn't mean it never happened.

    But either way, your intentions for this article were well.
    Although the value of a relationship varies from person to person.
    And I wouldn't throw words around just because someone likes to wear revealing clothing.
    But then again you're not me.
    June 16th, 2009 at 02:06pm
  • I honestly don't think people in the fifties had considerably less sex than people nowadays do. I mean the fifties saw the Beat Generation, they were not just holding hands.
    We only see what we want to see.
    June 16th, 2009 at 01:01pm