Intellectual Piracy - Comments

  • BLUEcloud

    BLUEcloud (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    A short and to the point article :) I like it, and I agree. It's only fair that the eg music artists get money for supplying their trade.
    But still, it's just so easy to download songs for free, without having to eg/ give bank details over the internet or go searching through a bunch of different music stores because itunes didn't have that one song you want. It's also easy to forget that it really is THEFT when you don't pay for the songs you listen to.

    If free downloading was far more difficult, then I think quite a few people would rather go searching through proper stores~~
    June 22nd, 2009 at 04:04pm
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    The way I see it, is once you put your stuff on the internet, it's fair game. It doesn't mean that stealing is right, but I'll start buying music when record labels stop being greedy bitches.

    Besides, those bands, actors, writers, etc are making thousands to millions of dollars per year (or sometimes per month). I make $7.30 an hour. So sorry if I can't feel sympathy that these people are ~losing out on so much money~ and have to charge extra for a t-shirt or poster. No matter how many people illegally download things, there's still going to be thousands who actually go out and buy the movies/CDs/whatever. People make it seem like all these actors and musicians are going to go bankrupt soon.

    I understand and agree that people deserve credit and to be acknowledged for the stuff they do, but downloading an album for free isn't saying "the people who made this don't deserve credit", it's saying "I'm not paying 20+ bucks for a CD/DVD/etc".

    I 'illegally' download a lot of Asian dramas and a lot of Japanese and Korean music. It doesn't mean that I don't have respect or think that these actors/actresses and musicians don't deserve to be paid or to get credit for their work, it just means that I have more important things (like bills and food and all that happy stuff) to buy and I can't afford to be paying 120 dollars for a DVD and 30 dollars for it to ship from where ever.

    This article was well written, though. I might not agree with it at all, but kudos for posting it.
    June 17th, 2009 at 06:01pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    I quote what my English teacher says before every test, "Protect your intellectual property."

    It's true that things like youtube and limewire make available for free the work of artists, but some of those artists aren't in it for the money alone. They just want to be recognized, and if it takes free music to do that, then so be it.

    Of course, there are consequences for everything, and the raised merchandise prices attests to that.

    Anyway. I thought this was a nice article.
    June 17th, 2009 at 04:22pm