The Iraq War: Why I Went - Comments

  • The treatment of homeless veterans after the war.

    The worst part about that is you don't know who is actually a veteran and who is just cashing in. My paternal grandfather was a psychotherapist who specialized in PTSD and other post-war mental ailments. My father told me about how one day, he was walking down the streets in Baltimore and saw a man with a sign asking for money because he was a veteran of the Vietnam war. He stopped and offered the man a card that told him where he could get help. The man cursed him and spat in his face. He wasn't a veteran-he was using the public sympathy to get money.
    June 30th, 2009 at 07:35pm
  • What did you get fired for? My friend went into the war, he came back and he's got a good job and doing just fine. When I was in the young Marines, my Marine daddy's went to the war and came back (they were my drill instructors) and they're doing fine. I agree with the Vietnam vets, that's horrible about how they're treated. My Uncle came back from war (I don't rememebr which one) and he was being spat on and called "baby killer" and all that jazz.... Things are horrible and people need not to blaime our troops but yet our gov't for what's happened. Our troops are just innocent people, going in for our benefits, we should thank them... Not hate them... -kassi
    July 2nd, 2008 at 11:05pm
  • I don't believe he was comparing terrorism and communism. Simply stating the changing reasons for war.

    I think this article is one of the best things I've read on here. It's impossible to not feel complete respect for the soldiers who have been out there, doing something none of the rest of us want to. And I think this article should be shown to those people who disrespect them. I think it's far to easy to be disparaging of soldiers, and the job they do, when you're safe at home.

    The treatment of veterans is unbelievable. It just astounds me. It should always just be the leaders of these countries left to fight these things out amongst themselves.
    January 6th, 2008 at 10:05am
  • I like the article cuz it is a different point of view
    and well yeah I HATE war and can't understand why ANYONE would go and fight it, but I think it is a good article and its true nations abandone thier soldiers
    maybe its time for soldiers to abandone their nations

    ohh and well just a thing this sounds awfully politically incorrect "Our righting strength." Sounds like a bloody right conservative speech

    and one more thing communism is not to be compared to terrorism
    Read Marx, read Lenin and Trosky and you will see what I mean
    November 15th, 2007 at 08:12am
  • This is one of the best articles on this entire site. =]
    "I do not support the war, I support the troops"
    The most intelligent statement ever made in a war related article. people for that when this war started, the majority of people supported it. As time went on, we lost our support, but that didn't mean the troops who changed their mind could come home, and people too often make idiotic comments about people who enlist in the military.
    November 8th, 2007 at 02:59am