An Unbiased Look At Abortion

An Unbiased Look At Abortion Pro- Choice

This sides argument feels that it is the decision of the woman on weather or not to have children. This side often brings up points such as, an unwanted child won't have a good life, in case of rape it's cruel to make her life with a choice she didn't make, or in some cases a pregnancy would be bad for the mother. All are valid points.

If abortions were illegal, this side brings up possible consequences, between the 1880's and 1973, abortion was illegal in all or most U.S. states, and many women died or had serious medical problems as a result. Around the world, in countries where abortion is illegal, it remains a leading cause of maternal death. An estimated 68,000 women worldwide die each year from unsafe abortions.

The other side often brings up the brutality of partial birth abortions, but that is rare because 88% of abortions happen in the first 6 - 12 weeks. Yet another argument often used is the women will be emotionally damaged, but that claim is refuted by the American Psychological Association. In fact most women say it is sad but manageable, and most sadness comes from others disapproval.


This side feels that life begins at conception, and ending it is murder. Their argument is mainly based on the fact that murder is illegal. This side feels that abortion is too often used as a birth control method.95% of all abortions are chosen as a method of birth control. The remaining 5% are performed as a result of sexual crimes, health problems, or fetal abnormality.

The other side often brings up that unwanted children will not have a good environment, but adoption is always an option for young women. Though partial birth abortions are not common, they are still painful to the baby, this side often brings up. The baby's brain is sucked out causing it's head to collapse. Though this method is illegal.

Another point that this side brings up is how common abortions are, for every two babies born another baby dies in an abortion. They fear it is becoming relied upon as a method of birth control an not just a last resort.

Now that I have laid out both sides arguments and their supporting facts, you have plenty of information to base your decision on.


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