Sad Reality

Sad Reality I've come the conclusion that Western ideas of beauty is an impossible standard for most women and is anally raping other cultures and their ideas of how women should look. I've come across many articles on this subject with my trusty best friend (Google, anyone?). I'm not shocked by it in any way, shape, or form but it's just depressing. Asians get plastic surgery to look more Americanized/Westernized and Korea has become known for the awesome plastic surgeons that have mastered double eyelid surgery. Some Japanese women bleach their hair and tan excessively/ take tanning pills/ etc (known as "Ganguro girls" ) to achieve a Barbie look. The list goes on.

African tribes untouched by the beauty ideals of the West still maintain their own sense of identity and standards of beauty. I know of one tribe that has their women wear these wooden plates on their bottom lip - a lip gauge if you will. Piercings, organic lotion made to redden skin, and many more things. To us, this seems abnormal and (maybe to others) barbaric. However, this is what makes the world so unique.

"Eating disorders are so common in America that 1 or 2 out of every 100 students will struggle with one."

That is a statistic based on students alone. Imagine what it would be if the whole population of the United States was included. What happened to the days when a more robust woman was considered beautiful and accepted, easily, in society? Why do women feel like they have to compete with the likes of Megan Fox, Kate Moss, or any other starlet out there?

More importantly, why does everyone else in the world want to strive to be so "American"? I love the almond shaped eyes, the dark skin, the curvy bodies, and everything else. Most of all, I love the variety the world offers.

Now, I'm not saying every woman is like this. Just a vast majority. We've been growing up in a world where, if your body isn't as tight as the thin, leading actress everyone wants to get their hands on, we can't even be comfortable in our own skins and what we have to offer as a whole.

It's a sad reality.

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