The Truth Behind The Word Emo - Comments

  • Just spent WAAY too much of my time reading this.
    But it's almost 4 in the morning and I had nothing better to do.

    Anyway, this should have been a journal.
    It is poorly written.
    The clothing part made me laugh.
    I mean, really? Was that important?

    But whatever.
    August 29th, 2009 at 12:57pm
  • i totally agree with clapsies and sunset boulevard on all of this :D
    August 27th, 2009 at 03:08pm
  • @Clapsies;;
    XD well thank you for agreeing :)
    August 27th, 2009 at 02:59am
  • Just wanted to say, no matter what your opinion on the subject, emo is very real. It's real because people make it real, but that doesn't make it any less real. And as for Indestructable 13, hating people because of a stereotype is childish and unreasonable. You decide to hate people before KNOWING them. Pathetic.
    August 27th, 2009 at 02:05am
  • Me, personally...

    I hate emos and have a very good reason to. They need to quit bitching and grow a pair.
    August 27th, 2009 at 01:58am
    I agreeee! (:

    just throwing that out there.
    don't spam me, please. :]
    August 26th, 2009 at 11:46pm
  • Well, I don't believe that anyone is emo. It's soully a music label that someone has taken a bit too far. Seriously.
    But then, don't jump for typing that, okay?
    But I agree with....ohquiz...what's her name? Uhh, I can't remember.
    August 26th, 2009 at 11:45pm
  • MyChemicalEscape: I know. The whole thing about it being offended was more directed to the other chick. (:
    August 26th, 2009 at 02:00am
  • Sunset Boulevard, I wasn't trying to say I was laughing at you... Honestly I was barely thinking of your comments at all. I was laughing at the interactions between people on this comment area, especially the interaction between the author and the people disagreeing with her. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I seriously didn't mean anything specifically toward you.
    August 26th, 2009 at 01:50am
  • In reply to I've.Got.A.Secret:
    Well, that's good. I'm glad I could make you laugh. Smiley Same goes for MyChemicalEscape. I know typically someone laughing at another in a situation like this is meant to be offensive, but I'm tougher than that. Smiley So, again, glad I could provide humor. (:

    [i]I never said that I didn't like any of your comments.[/i]
    You didn't have to.

    [i]I'm just here because I find it slightly pathetic that you came back to this article just to disagree with something someone else said.[/i]
    Sorry, I didn't know that I was not allowed to disagree with someone. Strange, considering you're back here to disagree with me... (doesn't that make you pathetic too?). Either way, I'll keep in mind that some girl I don't know has taken away my right to disagree for next time, though. (:

    [i]Do you honestly think I care what you have to say in response to my comment?[/i]
    Obviously yes, since you took the time to make your opinions heard.

    [i]If you were on my profile, why didn't you take the time to read it and see that I myself am a walking contradiction and a hypocrite?[/i]
    Because I had better things to do? That's a thought.

    [i]I state my opinions without caring or bothering to try and understand another person’s views.[/i]
    I could say what I thought about that, but I won't because I'm not in the mood to be banned for using offensive words. But that's beside the point.

    [i]Well if I perceive something one way and I believe my view to be true, does that not make it real to me? And by believing in it does that not make it my reality?[/i]
    No, it does. I never said otherwise. I did, however, say that there's no right or wrong in opinions. No argument that you or anyone else says will make it so there's right or wrong in opinions.

    [i]Picking apart the comment I made expressing my beliefs on the subject is not going to change my way of thinking, therefore doing so is pointless.[/i]
    My apologies, but I was always raised to believe that we should speak up for what we believe in. But apparently, doing so is considered pointless now. I was not aware.
    On a less sarcastic note, as I said, those who commented were simply voicing their opinions and believes. No matter what you say, everyone's opinion matters in the long run.

    [i]That is what I meant by wasting your time.[/i]
    Why do you care what we do with our time? It's summer and I'm not with any friends at the moment - so I've got nothing but time. Have to do something, right?

    [i]To me comments are somewhat pointless for articles like this.[/i]
    Yes, to you. I'm glad you realize that.

    [i]No matter what you say about the article itself, it is not going to change the author’s thoughts on the subject.[/i]
    Who said we were trying to? It seems to me that you don't understand what I say when I say that those who commented were trying to have their voices heard.

    [i]You’re basically just asking to be disagreed with by commenting at all.[/i]
    Though this may be true for some, it is not for all, so it's completely unfair to generalize people like that.

    [i]I myself am a walking contradiction and a hypocrite[/i]
    Fair enough. Just note that then nobody can take you seriously when you tell us to stop, when you should too. If what you say is true, then we shouldn't take you seriously. Which, in turn, means that we shouldn't even be here. (:

    [i]You wanted her to say that she didn’t want comments anymore. [/i]
    No, I wanted her to say that she didn't want comments [b]to begin with[/b].
    August 26th, 2009 at 01:34am
  • Okay, typically I'm much more mature than I'm about to be in this comment here, but I just gotta say:

    I find all these comments HILARIOUS! Everyone's politely (or not so politely) ripping each other's throats out over their opinions. This is the kind of stuff I LIVE for. Simple little articles like this about something cause people to go nuts. Now before anybody goes ripping my throat out (which you're fee to do if you want. I welcome it. I know sometimes my opinions contradict the general public view), i'd just like to say, I know that most people aren't going nuts and it's childish to call it ripping each other's throats out.

    That being said, I find it funny that people are so opinionated and I think the best thing about humanity is that we CAN be opinionated and we can argue for hours to try to get the other person to understand or get them angry or whatever our point is, and in the end, people typically don't change their opinions. I think that's the best thing about the human mind. We can go so nuts over the little things.
    August 25th, 2009 at 08:52pm
  • Well, hello and good afternoon sunset boulevard.

    I'm being completely honest when I tell you that I'm laughing right now.

    I never said that I didn't like any of your comments. Because to be completely honest, I found each of them very amusing and entertaining. The author’s threats to her commenters were the most hilarious though.

    I'm just here because I find it slightly pathetic that you came back to this article just to disagree with something someone else said. Not only that but you also took the time to comment me on my profile telling me that you were doing so. Do you honestly think I care what you have to say in response to my comment?

    If you couldn’t guess, the answer is no. I don’t give a flying_____
    Feel free to finish that sentence.

    But seeing as I’m bored and this is slightly entertaining, I will point out a few things to you. I owe it to you seeing as you did take the time to tell me you replied.

    If you were on my profile, why didn't you take the time to read it and see that [b]I myself am a walking contradiction and a hypocrite?[/b]

    I state my opinions without caring or bothering to try and understand another person’s views. [i]To each their own perception[/i]. I've said this before right? Well if I perceive something one way and I believe my view to be true, does that not make it real to me? And by believing in it does that not make it my reality?

    My perception is my reality. Picking apart the comment I made expressing my beliefs on the subject is not going to change my way of thinking, therefore doing so is pointless.

    That is what I meant by wasting your time. Even to those that made comments about liking the article, you as well are wasting your time.

    To me comments are somewhat pointless for articles like this. No matter what you say about the article itself, it is not going to change the author’s thoughts on the subject. You’re basically just asking to be disagreed with by commenting at all. And if you feel like pointing out that I myself am commenting, I’m going to ask that you read this next line carefully seeing as you did not do so the first time I said this: [b]I myself am a walking contradiction and a hypocrite[/b]

    But on a new note: I’m still laughing.

    Does it not seem to anyone besides me that this was more of a journal than an article? It felt to me that the author was releasing her pent up emotions about the subject and not actual seeking a response from the readers. Sure, she could have disabled comments or posted it as a journal. The fact is that she didn’t and on more than one occasion she asked for people to stop commenting with negative feedback.

    You wanted her to say that she didn’t want comments anymore. Well, guess what?

    She did.

    Feel free to post another comment on my profile telling me that you replied back to this.

    I’m always up for a good laugh and some entertainment.

    August 25th, 2009 at 08:42pm
  • In reply to I've.Got.A.Secret.:

    I can't help but find your comment a bit contradictory. You tell us that if we don't like something, instead of wasting our time to read and reply to it, you tell us to simply move on. Yet here you are, replying to our comments, which you obviously didn't like. So... why? You're doing what you're telling us not to. Strange, isn't it?

    [i]Yes you have a right to an opinion and the freedom to say what you want, but is it actually necessary to do so?[/i]
    Well, who's to say that we can't voice our opinion? If the author can state their opinions and we cannot, well, how is that fair? What do you want us to do, make another article in reply to this one? No. We have every right to state our opinions, and, if the author didn't want to hear it, she easily could have disabled comments.

    [i]Especially if you're basically telling the person who wrote the article that their views are wrong and what they think isn't the way that they should be thinking?[/i]
    I don't believe anyone told her this. Given I haven't read all of the comments thoroughly, but I don't recall anyone saying that she can't think what she wrote in this and have her own opinion.

    [i]Why the hell are you here reading this if you have a problem with articles such as this one? [/i]
    How would we know if we had a problem with it until we read it? This girl could have kept the same exact title and wrote about it in a completely different way, and we wouldn't know until we read it.

    [i]and the time of the author telling them what to write and what not to write?[/i]
    Once again, I don't believe anyone told her that she couldn't write about this topic, so, I'm not entirely sure where you are getting these statements from.

    [i]You may take it one way but it doesn't mean that the author intended for you to take it that way.[/i]
    This is very true. But [b]nowhere[/b] in her article did it say that if we don't like her opinions, don't comment. She never said that she didn't want people to comment, and she didn't disable comments. Therefore we have every right to come and voice how we perceived the article, even if it was in a way that it was not meant to be perceived.

    [i]If your perception is completely different from that of the author's, don't bother leaving a comment.[/i]
    Again. If the author didn't want to hear our opinions, disable comments.

    [i]You’re negative “opinions” aren’t wanted nor are they needed.[/i]
    Again, contradictory. You just dished out negative "opinions" toward us, so we can voice ours to the author.
    August 25th, 2009 at 02:39pm
  • Wow.

    Now I’m not saying that I agree with this or disagree. I just wanted to say: Those of you that wasted your time reading this article just so you could point out all that was wrong with it….You can all go to hell.

    Yes you have a right to an opinion and the freedom to say what you want, but is it actually necessary to do so? Especially if you're basically telling the person who wrote the article that their views are wrong and what they think isn't the way that they should be thinking? And on top of that, to those who are complaining about 'yet another article about emos'.

    Why the hell are you here reading this if you have a problem with articles such as this one? If you don't like the topic and you think that people should stop writing about it why the hell would you waste your time and the time of the author telling them what to write and what not to write? Do you really think that telling them to stop writing about 'emos' or whatever is going to make them stop saying what they want to say? Seriously.

    I laugh in the face of all of you who took the time to say anything bad or 'opinionated' as some have said, about this article. Don't sit here and pass judgment on the article or the writer. You may take it one way but it doesn't mean that the author intended for you to take it that way. To every person is their own perception. You perceive this one way while the author perceives it another. If your perception is completely different from that of the author's, don't bother leaving a comment. Just get the hell off the page and spend your time doing something more useful than bashing someone else’s idea. I can guarantee that’s not why the article was posted.

    So basically:

    You’re negative “opinions” aren’t wanted nor are they needed.

    August 25th, 2009 at 09:17am
  • Secret in my Throat:

    We weren't being rude. We were simply stating our opinions, as you did in this article. You should have known that when posting this, it would officially on the internet to be seen and read. By posting it, you opened doors that allow people to agree or disagree. We were merely exercising our right to disagree. We were not being rude.
    Do I seem rude right now? I'm not trying to be. I honestly don't think any of us were trying to be rude.
    August 25th, 2009 at 05:25am
  • Any more rude comments will be reported.



    Any issue with that, comment me personaly, bring it on
    August 25th, 2009 at 02:16am
  • There is no truth behind Emo.
    It's a just a lable. So get a life.
    August 24th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  • i think sunset boulevard, just said it all.
    August 24th, 2009 at 08:48pm
  • Everyone has an opinion.
    Why bitch about it?
    Some people are going to agree with you, some aren't.
    That's a fact of life.
    Please, do yourself a favor and get used to it.
    I agreed with a few points in this article.
    August 24th, 2009 at 11:37am
  • Alright. Here we go.

    First things first: grammar. MyChemicalEscape mentioned it as well, but the grammar in this made me want to cry. How do you expect us to take you seriously when half the things you've written out were incorrect?

    Throughout the entire article, you act as though cutting and self-harm is a good, healthy way to fix problems. Now, excuse me if I'm wrong, but I've been alive for fourteen years, and in my fourteen years, never have I been taught to cut my wrists when I get caught in an unfortunate situation.
    Also, I notice how you keep bringing up the fact that you yourself cut and self-harm. It makes it seem like you're bragging about cutting yourself when really, that's nothing to brag about. And again, it's not healthy.

    This is one big stereotype to me. You're saying "don't offend these kids!" when really, you should be saying "offend everyone or no one at all." There are more people out there being bullied that just the 'emo' stereotypes, and if they get an article, why can't all of the other stereotyped kids get one too?

    I don't understand the point behind listing of the style of dress.

    [i]It's reminders of that part of life when everyone kicked us down to a breaking point. Many people didn't survive this, too. [/i]
    Don't blame others for your actions. You didn't have to harm yourself - you could've seeked help or fought back. Giving up is [b]never[/b] the sole option. There are always other ways to fix your problems. Not solution has to be "I'm gonna go kill myself now."

    All I see in this article is you further supporting the stereotype by the way you word your arguments. *casual shrug*


    Also, in regards to the comments:
    You said, [i]Don't any of your Momma tell you, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all'?[/i]

    However, then you said, If you open your mouth again i swear i will break it. I will reach right through your computer screen and cyberly take your lower jaw, just like on the Grudge.[/i]

    How about you take your own advice?
    Sounds like a good idea to me.

    [b]Also, if anyone feels the need to respond to this comment, please do so on my profile, seeing as I don't typically check back on articles/journals/reviews where I've previously commented. [/b]
    August 24th, 2009 at 08:09am