Nerds: Are They Really That Bad?

Nerds: Are They Really That Bad? So you're walking down the hallway right after you got your books from your locker on a regular old day - nothing special. You meet up with a friend and you both talk on your way to class. Suddenly, some poor kid walks by with glasses and a whole lot of books and he starts going over them.

You hear giggles from all around and what do you think? He's a nerd. I know you don't really want to think about this, but are nerds really that bad? Now that you think of it, nerds are just regular old people who tend to have glasses and braces. And they happen to study a lot. So? Still thinking twice about believing me? Well I have proof. And that proof is official.

Picture a nerd. You usually see a girl with tiny pigtails and undone hair, crooked teeth with braces, and really thick glasses. Or you might see a tiny short guy with ruffled hair with braces and even thicker glasses. Now think about this: does every nerd have to look like this? Sure, most of them have glasses, but braces and really bad hair? Just to let you know, I'm pretty much a nerd, and I don't have braces or a bad haircut. So don't try to imagine a nerd that way - maybe they really don't look like that.

Sometimes, being a nerd's friend can have its advantages. How? Suppose the finals are next week and you need to do as much studying as possible before them. At this moment, being a nerd's friend is quite useful. If you get stuck on a question, there will always be someone to help you. Sure, it's a little selfish, but I'm just trying to say that nerds don't always have to humiliate somebody. Next think you know, you'll be walking home with an A on your report card.

It must be awkward reading this, but some nerds are proud of themselves. Even if geeks and nerds are laughed at and made fun of, it's who they are. You can't change them. And one of the other reasons nerds are proud is because they are smart. They can solve all kinds of math problems, get As in English and ace Social Studies too. How can they be ashamed? Like I said before, I'm a nerd too and I feel totally awesome about myself. So next time you see a nerdy kid walking down the hallway, try not to laugh. Nerds... They aren't bad, you know.

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