A Sexting Tragedy: Has The Epidemic Gone Too Far? - Comments

  • The responses to this story are making me physically sick.

    THAT 13-YEAR-OLD GIRL IS DEAD. Because no one f*cking bothered to sit and talk to her- instead, they sat and JUDGED HER, like many of you are, and led her to think death was better than dealing with all the shit coming her way.

    She didn't have 'the balls' to ask for help? I don't know about you, but when was the last time your just-turned-thirteen-self went to an adult who was punishing you and constantly reminding of you of how STUPID your actions were, and asked for help? I don't know that I could do that now, set aside as a young kid.

    That's what she was. A kid. Seriously.
    Get off your f*cking high horses and feel for another human being for once.
    January 14th, 2010 at 12:48am
  • True, it was stupid of her. But she was naive, and she didn't realize what she was getting herself into. It's really sad that such a mistake tore her life apart. It's terrible how cruel people can be nowadays. Poor girl. :/ Poor family.
    January 13th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • This story is so sad and I really do sympathise for her.I know it was wrong to send child pornography to someone,but we've all wanted to impress someone,right? Just imagine being in her place...It's terrible.I know most people are like "Well,It's her fault." But try looking at it differently...
    December 27th, 2009 at 11:59pm
  • I agree with cloudskipper.
    She didn't kill herself from the picture itself, but from the negative feedback that spurred from it. (Of course, I wish she'd thought less of the people ridiculing her...)
    That poor girl.....;
    Life is too short to end at thirteen. ]:
    December 25th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • Also, @AnonymousSoul

    "Its becasue of all of the female influences who take off their clothes who are paraded in the magasines"
    False. If it was okay for people do send nude/inappropriate pictures, she wouldn't have been bullied, 'cause then most of everyone would be doing so. It'd be like takling on a cellphone.
    The girl might have not even magazines. There are a LOT of people who don't, especially at that age.

    "All of you saying there was no need for her to kill herself obvioulsy havent been in a situation of constant bullying and harassment. everyday you have to endure hurtful name calling."
    :| I [i]have[/i] been there, though. For years, I've been bullied by tons of people. Especially two years ago in my seventh grade year. But did I an hero it (commit suicide over a stupid reason)? No, I obviously didn't. Because I'm not a stupid child, as she was. I don't care what others think about me. They do not matter.
    If she didn't like what they were saying or doing, she could have ignored them. Its not that hard.
    December 16th, 2009 at 10:43pm
  • Idiot. Not you, her. If she had been [i]smart[/i], she wouldn't have done that. And even if she still did, she should have just ignored the others. It wouldn't have been the end of the world.
    Whatever. One less idiot to deal with.
    Thats really cruel and mean to say... :| Too bad its what I think.

    "While the photo was successfully sent to the boy, a[nother] boy intercepted and started to circulate." Yes/no?
    "started calling her a, 'slut' and a, 'whore.'"
    "of, 'courting' takes"
    "a victim of 'sexting.'"
    "She was grounded and lost [phone] and computer privileges."
    December 16th, 2009 at 10:30pm
  • She could have dealt with it? What the bullying? The abuse?

    You tell that to anyone that gets bullied then.
    December 14th, 2009 at 09:10pm
  • "but its really no excuse to kill yourself-she could have dealt with it just like the millions of other girls that go through it.
    --yes i have respect for the dead, but seriously she could have still been living by now-there IS help out there. just grow some balls and ask for it."

    But do you know how embarrassing it is to admit you done that?
    December 14th, 2009 at 12:00am
  • yes she shouldnt have sent the photo. but knowing from expeirence-most girls that age are naiive and will do almost anything for a boy.

    so youve never done anything to impress a guy/girl? no matter how small-weve all done it.

    but its really no excuse to kill yourself-she could have dealt with it just like the millions of other girls that go through it.
    --yes i have respect for the dead, but seriously she could have still been living by now-there IS help out there. just grow some balls and ask for it.
    December 13th, 2009 at 09:21pm
  • Your blaiming her?
    She sent the text of her exposed. Yes, to attract a boy. And why do you think this is?

    Its becasue of all of the female influences who take off their clothes who are paraded in the magasines. She was 13 she didn't know better. She thought sending that picture to him would be seen by him and him only.

    It is also that boys fault. If he didnt like her then why not jsut delete the text. How could he sit by and watch her be bullied knowing he caused it?

    All of you saying there was no need for her to kill herself obvioulsy havent been in a situation of constant bullying and harassment.
    everyday you have to endure hurtful name calling.
    Your told not to belive, and the old 'sticks and stones' but guess what you eventualy start to belive the words. It gets to you. Its never ending.
    December 13th, 2009 at 03:45am
  • I'm really pissed off at a lot of the comments here.

    I'm not asking people to just have sympathy; you can't be forced to feel something like that. But what about empathy?

    Yes, she sent the nude picture. Yes, she probably "should have known better". Yes, it was a silly thing to do.

    But let's look at the other side of it.

    What about all those bullies who called her "slut" and "whore" and who degraded her and who made her feel like shit?

    She didn't kill herself because she sent the photo. She killed herself because of the damned bullies shaming her for what she did. Adults included.
    She shouldn't have been grounded and suspended. The taunters and bullies should have been.

    People don't need to have sympathy as such; rather empathy. Put yourself in her position. She isn't actually to blame for this, because even though she decided to take that picture, the shit that came after it was out of her control. And it was all the shit that she got for it that pushed her over the edge. Not the bloody photo.

    Her classmates and the adults involved in punishing her should have known better.
    December 11th, 2009 at 01:30pm
  • Oh God, this is terrible. This girl's life was ruined because of a photo. I don't believe that suicide is the answer to your problems but this is probably what many people in her case might of done. Please show a little more respect for the dead. :(
    December 11th, 2009 at 05:08am
  • This is why child pornography is illgal.
    December 11th, 2009 at 05:02am
  • Yeah I'm sorry but that I don't think is a reason to kill yourself, and also sorry but she bought it upon herself by sending those photos. The media warns and warns about it but yet a small minority of idiots still do it.
    December 11th, 2009 at 03:57am
  • Seriously now. Everyone can sit there and judge everybody as much as they want but who knows what will happen in the future. Do you guys think you2ll never ever make mistakes that'll cause big problems to you??
    Yes this may not be the most clever thing to do but hey she was just a kid.
    And you may discuss this all you want but the girl is gone.
    And this actually shows how cruel teens may be if you'll ask me.
    Jeez get a grip guys..
    December 9th, 2009 at 09:26pm
  • The story is so sad and yes , I think you all should have a little more respect for the dead. Thats just rude.
    December 9th, 2009 at 10:48am
  • You're all rude, so so rude. How about having a little respect for the dead.
    It seems you're all banding together to bag on this girl. [i] We get it. [/i] She made a mistake. She's not here to hear your "constructive critism" so you can all cut it out now.
    December 9th, 2009 at 05:52am
  • Really, guys?
    So, at thirteen, you never, ever made mistakes that you "should have known?"
    Really think about it.
    Yeah, I bet you have.
    Not all thirteen year olds know that flashing your boobs isn't the greatest way to
    impress a guy. Just because you may have doesn't mean its a universal lesson.
    Most of the time, lessons are learned through mistakes.
    If others had acted like they should, then thats all this would have been.
    Her making a mistake and learning a lesson the hard way.
    But they didn't and something terrible happened.
    Quit acting like she made the worst mistake in the world and get a grip on reality.
    The girl [i]died.[/i]
    It's not like she just got beat up or injured herself.
    She died.
    No second chances, no nothing.
    She's [i]gone[/i] from this world.
    And you guys are practically agreeing that she's a slut.
    December 9th, 2009 at 04:04am
  • I agree with erin.whatserface.

    Poor girl :/
    December 8th, 2009 at 10:51am
  • @i.heart.fanfics
    She could have not sent that photo, but she did.
    Sending a photo of your boobs isn't going to make someone date you or like you.
    It's just stupid. I don't care how old you are, you should know that.
    December 8th, 2009 at 05:42am