Plagiarism - The Real Deal

Plagiarism - The Real Deal Plagiarism. Have you done it? Have I done it? Have we not observed we’ve done it? Have you been inflected with it, taken part of suffered? I know I have been unfairly accused of plagiarism. My stories have been plagiarized, I’m sure some of yours have been too. Whether it was a title, idea, scene, sentence, character, it’s still plagiarism and illegal. So why do some people do it? Is it the simple thrill of doing something wrong? To make someone else mad? So people will inappropriately tell you you’re a great writer, that you’re creative? Why do some people do it?

The real deal on plagiarism is what I want to know, and what I’m going to find out.
A few months ago, for a Science project, I was accused of this illegal act and so I failed the assignment. Why was I accused? The thoughts were apparently well beyond my reach and so I must have stolen them, I did not. Many people have been accused for things they haven’t done, and if this were to happen in University or College, they’d be kicked out. So why is the internet different? Why is it okay to steal someone else’s poem, or story or anything on the internet? Most people think they won’t get caught. However, when something is successful, it’s hard not to know. Even when it’s not, someone’s going to find it and the original creator will be crushed.

Denial is a large part of plagiarism in my opinion. When I experienced it, the person actually lied and said that I was copying them. Let me tell you something, it doesn’t work. The chances are some smart person who owns the website will look at the evidence and see that the other person posts before you and you are going to be kicked off. So what’s the point?

Many writers have been plagiarized online. I know some of them; a lot of them are the ones who are a part of popular writing clubs, such as Release, or Project Fiction. People steal page layouts from others. It happens all the time, and we don’t even see it.

So lend a hand, if you see plagiarism say something. Everyone is going to appreciate it. Please, for me, think about what you’re posting, before you do it.

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