Sasha Bennington - A Human Barbie Doll

Sasha Bennington - A Human Barbie Doll When Sasha Bennington caused a rumble in the world, she was a model, an actress, a national cheerleader, wearing adult clothes, having £300 spent on her a month, had over £26,000 spent on presents for her and was just 11 years old - now thirteen. Her mother wanted her to look just like Barbie and as no surprise, Sasha's role model was Jordan (Katie Price).

Every teenage girl wants to look beautiful and wants attention but is this just wrong? Some of Sasha's appearances are: hazel eyes, blonde, size 6-8.

She describes herself as bubbly outgoing and very photogenic. Would this really all be possible though if she didn't slap on all that make up every day? Sasha's face may not even be true, as she is wearing so much make and fake tan nobody is really too sure about her natural skin tone apart from her mother, who happens to be the center of Sasha.

Sasha has a very busy schedule as she has a new spray tan every week, a new set of acrylic nails every month, has her hair regularly bleached white blonde which is sometimes lengthened with a set of extensions. Every morning she will apply her make up and pluck her eyebrows. Most girls her age will be waiting for the new Harry Potter to arrive in the cinema or the next Twilight. Sasha is close to a Vegas show girl but obviously isn't as she goes to a high school.

Experience which Sasha has had are fashion, printing and editorial, sports and fitness, swimwear, runway, hair and makeup and casual.

Sasha has also entered some contests and her results are high. She also held her own beauty pageant on July 19th last year. She has also been in paper such as The Sun.

Sasha is truly known by many people for her beauty but once when she was 11 years old was refused entry in a beauty contest due to not looking natural enough, looking plastic and fake.

Sasha's mother Jayne is no better though, she often comments "We’re a good-looking family? She can’t help being good-looking. I just want her to use it to achieve something.” Jayne once used to be a model when she was 23 years old and today looking good for her means fake tans, perfectly straight hair and using a sunbed five times a week. Sasha mimics her mother once saying “If you’re walking down the street and you’re ugly nobody is going to want to talk to you and you won’t have any friends.”

When Sasha was 11 years old she suffered through bullying and brought it down to severe jealousy. Sasha said that people would come up to her and ask why she had make up on during school hours. Even her friends don't like her having her nails and hair done, they say she is just trying to show off. On Sasha's twelfth birthday she went into school with her hair done, piled on with make up and wearing a tiara. Her teachers told her to take it off but Sasha refused.

Although many people think it is her mother pressuring Sasha into this as one heartbreaking comment from Sasha said, "My mum would just call me ugly. Everyone would call me ugly. I wouldn't like it at all", after being asked what life would be like if she wasn't pretty.

Barbie Dolls or the hugely popular Bratz dolls are not good role models for girls of this age. Is this really a girl's dream and wishes, or is this just sick?

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