Facebook Causing You Drama?

Facebook Causing You Drama? Facebook doesn’t cause the drama; The people using Facebook cause drama. Just like college doesn’t cause drama, the people at college cause it. It’s actually very easy to not attract it. Most of the “drama” in somebodies life is either there because they made it or they went looking for it.

So, the way I see it is: The drama is only there because you want it to be. There are always multiple ways to go about things. Some ways create more drama than others and some ways create no drama at all. The problem with people in general is that they never stand back and look at all the possible strategies to work out the problem at hand. They just go for the first solution that presents itself which is almost always the wrong choice.

I have found that the best way to combat drama in ones life is actually the same way of combating voodoo as well. All you need to do is ignore it and quit complaining about to everybody and their dog and it will have no power over you or your life.

One also has to stand back and analyze this question: Are those people that cause drama in your life really worth all the trouble? I don’t think so. For example, I have many friends who’s friends are my enemies. I hang out with them often and, on occasion, they bring along somebody that I don’t particularly get along with. Do I get all bent out of shape about it and ruin the night and complain to my friends about how my friend caused me some drama for the next week? No, I don’t. Because even if I did get bent about it, I am the one who has control over the level of drama from the situation. Not the people around me.

So, the moral of the story is: You control your own life and your own emotions. If you don’t like drama, leave it alone and don’t go looking for it. Just live your life and all will be well.

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