America Speaking Out - Comments

  • I just went to the website and it wasn't only people for Republicans. There were many that would be considered Democratic opinions. And many of those I didn't like.
    August 9th, 2010 at 11:49pm
  • Our country is going down the drain. The first comment on here even mentions censoring people! Yeah hate groups like Neo-Nazis, Black Panther Party, and KKK groups need to be censored, of course. But Republicans are not a hate group. And to say we are is beyond ignorant. That just goes to show who's hands our country is in. No wonder our country is getting worse by the minute, oh wait! No, that's Obama who doesn't know how to manage the money in this country instead he's flying in chefs from all around the world to cook for his family using the taxpayer's money! But no one wants to admit that because that would mean the Republicans were right about "Mr. Change". "Yes we can" was a Bob the Builder saying and you let a man tell you this all through a campaign then voted for him. Did you all enjoy being treated like three year old children watching Nick Jr? I'm sorry but what change has he made? Oh of course! I forgot the first thing he did when he got into office was overturn a law so that now we are sending taxpayer money out of our country to fund abortions, to fund murder! But he's a hero. I can't even talk bad about him in my school in front of any Democrats or African-American people or I get called a racist even though I'm not! But of course he's the first African-American president! Well, guess what, wake up call! He's part white too! So for those of you who voted for change, where's the change? And those of you who voted because of race, and there were many, he's not full African-American and he's not doing anything for you! So tell me, why else did you vote for him?
    August 9th, 2010 at 11:18pm
  • Excuse me I forgot to add in my second sentence that the internet is also for information. Which is somewhat what the website you are talking about does. It provides information on the views of Republicans. If you don't like them then I'm sorry. And WTFMUsicPerson, for real? The ignorance of your statement is shown in the way you forget to capitalize "the".
    August 9th, 2010 at 11:08pm
  • I'm Republican. And the internet is for freedom of speech and if we choose to create a website for our opinions then fine. But there are plenty of other websites that are balanced and even some for non-Republicans. If you don't like that website don't visit it, plain and simple.
    August 9th, 2010 at 11:05pm
  • the majority of republicans are so damn greedy and inhumane its sickening!!
    June 28th, 2010 at 09:33pm
  • Of course, most people don't actually believe those things that were written in the comments and such. There is such a thing as a 'silent majority' after all. Plus, I myself would believe that those were probably people who were trolling for a reaction, or alternately, went on there to make all Conservatives look like murderous bigots (and they seem to be doing a fairly good job of it too judging by this article).

    Most people really aren't like that. Most people are level headed, and simply don't want their money spent wastefully by sending 400 million dollars to the Palestinians and whatnot... especially since this country is broke.

    And true, the Republicans aren't the majority in power now, but that doesn't mean that they aren't at ALL in Congress. Besides, with the way things have been going, it looks rather likely that they'll get more and more seats in the upcoming election. At the very least the website would be better than the current government who listens no one one. Bailouts, multiple stimulus packages, universal healthcare. Those seemed unpopular, yet they all were passed anyway (coincidently, there's a NEW stimulus package to be voted on... because the others helped things SO much).
    June 11th, 2010 at 12:05pm
  • They had point with the gun laws-more guns means less crime. The FBI knows it, the CIA knows it your local policemen know it. While I don't think it's a good idea to buy them and send them to Mexico, it IS a good idea to encourage private gun ownership-WITHOUT registration.
    June 2nd, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • 1) I love you for writing this. I enjoyed it very much so.
    2) This is why our government is completely idiotic, for the most part that is.
    June 1st, 2010 at 03:25am
  • I changed this to an article instead of news because it expressed opinion. I loved the tone you wrote this article with xD It was comical, great job!
    May 31st, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • Kinda disgusting. Freedom of speech gets pandered around so much nowadays, we need to actually make sure it happens, but that people are censored for hatred.
    May 31st, 2010 at 11:41pm