'Cause You So ... Dang Easy?

'Cause You So ... Dang Easy? Does television nowadays try to demean young girls? When you turn on the TV, all you see anymore is young woman, mainly teenagers, sleeping around and getting pregnant. Does television give girls a bad image?

Take the new hit series, Secret Life of the American Teenager, formally known as Secret Life. It entered its third season last night. Ever heard of it? The series is about a young girl named Amy who gets pregnant by the school man-whore when she goes to band camp for the summer, and comes back pregnant. About 75% of the show is dedicated to having sex, or talking about it. In the show, you can't go without the school whore, Adrian. And what better way to top it off than the Christian girl having sex with her boyfriend and blaming herself when, on that very same night, her father's plan crashes and he dies.

Now take the movie, Juno. Juno is about a young teenage girl who gets pregnant.

Take the show Degrassi; again, a young girl gets pregnant.

Take the show Glee … I think you know where I'm going with this one.

What angers me the most is that all you ever see on television anymore is young teenage girls sleeping around and getting pregnant. Like sweet and innocent Amy on Secret Life. Then, you have schoolgirls, normal people, who want to go around and act just like getting pregnant is nothing.

You also have celebrities who walk around and find themselves wearing revealing clothes, getting drunk, partying around. Mainly young celebrities who wear faces full of lipstick and far too much eyeshadow, with their high heels and shorts so small they look like they forgot to cover up their panties, or walking around with their breasts hanging from their shirts/dresses.

You think that things like this would be set into the mind of younger people, especially when MTV aired their show 16 and Pregnant, and their newer show, Teen Mom, both of which talks about the pressure of dealing with being pregnant and a mother when you're not even graduated from high school!

With shows like these aimed for teenagers, it's hard not to understand why younger children want to smear their faces full of makeup and wear clothes two sizes too small, so boys think they're easy, and those boys aren't even old enough themselves!

It's like the world is trying to group all girls together into one group: whores who wander around, get laid, and get pregnant.

And yet, with all this going on, you barely ever hear them speak of the word condom or birth control.

It's wrong, though, because not every girl is like that, and it seems that if you're not, you're ignored or automatically dubbed “uncool.” In reality, however, falling asleep with a new guy every night is NOT cool.

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