Music Gone Bad?

Music Gone Bad? We all know music means something different for everyone. Whether it is for expressing themselves, for getting a crowd of people pumped, in between scenes of a movie- it’s everywhere! It’s on the radio, television, playing at public places, on computers screens. Sometimes it can change the way we view things or each other. This change can be good and it can also be bad.

Lately I feel as though it has a great deal of influence on the younger generations today. Some of the lyrics are totally inappropriate even if the beat is good. The messages behind these songs are unsuitable for such young audiences.

A lot of the lyrics talk about women as if they are just nothing more then stripers and one night stands. And even though I am a girl, I never really took offence to it before, because I thought they had good rhythm and something to dance to. But anymore I’m starting to take a better look at my iPod play lists.

I know most of you will automatically think rap, but it’s not just rap. There are a lot of crude themes in all genres. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing illegal with thinking it’s a good song, but thinking the meaning of it is okay, because they’re your favorite singer and they suggest it, is not okay.

Besides sensual connotation, these songs curse every other sentence. How can you even turn the radio on in the car with children inside? They might not know what the song is saying, but they have ears.

I notice that male singers are a lot worse with lyrics then female singers tend to be. I don’t know if it’s, because men feel women are inferior to them or if they think it’s entertaining in some kind of weird way. I’m just wondering what happened to songs about true love and finding the right one. Not seeing some hot chick/guy at a club and dancing with her/him once and thinking she’s/he’s ‘the one’ while your drunk that night.

These lyrics also hint at drugs and alcohol abuse. Some teenagers really do idol these singers and if the singer does it or did it, well why can’t they? Music has been around forever and I have no doubt it will always be there, but lately I feel as though it’s not as safe to listen to as it use to be.

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