'Atheists have no morals.' - Comments

  • I agree completely. Atheists are just like everyone else, except they don't worship a god or gods. Practicing a religion does not make you a good person. It just shows what you believe in. Most (but not all) Christians I've encountered are selfish hypocrites, yet they act all high and mighty when talking about Atheists. It's sickening. Not that some Atheists aren't the same way, but they don't cover it up and make themselves appear better than anyone else because they don't practice a religion.
    September 10th, 2010 at 09:32pm
  • Yeah, well, I honestly don't believe Christians are the only people in the world who hates Atheists! Come on! I can't believe this article. This is absolutely disgusting and offensive to so many people. Not all Christians are like that. The first word that comes to mind is "hate". How ignorant can one person possibly be? How could one person possibly throws millions of people into one category right off the bat like that? Especially only after a few bad experiences? Imagine how many people you know who are Christians who AREN'T like that.
    People can believe whatever the HELL, and shouldn't be complained about or practically discriminated against for something just as simple as their beliefs! Not everyone hates Atheists- or any other person from ANY religion or belief for that matter.
    I'm absolutely sickened by this article.
    September 10th, 2010 at 03:56am
  • [b]Georgia Fair:[/b] That's a really good way of putting it, actually. Religion and philosophy are all different things. Like, my beliefs are atheist in nature, but my philosophy (and some spirituality) is Buddhist.

    [b]Careless Whisper:[/b] No, correct. How many people were killed for having no belief? Plenty. And how does the fact that it was Catholics killing Christians make it just?
    September 9th, 2010 at 12:23am
  • I don't understand why people need a book to tell them what's right and wrong. Isn't it obvious?
    And why do they need a God? I don't understand that either. Do you really need to feel assured that some big guy up in space is watching you everywhere and cares for everyone? Well he's not caring for the kids in Africa.
    In my opinion, I just think people are scared of dying and like to feel secure when they believe that they'll go to heaven when they die.

    But about this article, I agree with the most of it. However, not all Christians are like this. Some just believe in God but couldn't care less at what others think. I also finally understood what it meant to be Athiest. A few weeks ago, a friend was complaining about this sleepover of hers, and mentioned most of them were Athiest, and she made a remark about it that really hurt my feelings: 'I'm Christian. I have morals, unlike Athiests, who don't have ANY'.
    She said it in a really mean way, and I felt upset by that. A week later a different friend asked what my morals were if I didn't believe in God. Then I realised that my morals ARE Christian. I live a Christian lifestyle, but I don't believe in God. That's my answer, I'm a Christian who doesn't believe in God. Lots of people don't understand that.
    September 8th, 2010 at 12:09pm
  • "A lot of the "witch burning" things you hear about were actually Roman Catholics killing actual Christians."

    That doesn't mean it wasn't in the name of God. They didn't believe that they were Christians, so they killed them for 'straying from the Lord's path.' So, basically, it was a matter of "You don't love my god. I will hang you now."
    September 8th, 2010 at 04:13am
  • [i]Christians have been killing us, shoving their crap down our throats, and hating us for centuries. I think we're allowed to be just a little pissed off.[/i]


    Just because someone says that they're killing in the name of God, doesn't mean they actually are. A lot of the "witch burning" things you hear about were actually Roman Catholics killing actual Christians. You just have to look deeper in to it. Look beyond what is in your average text books, because most of them are [i]wrong[/i].
    September 8th, 2010 at 02:12am
  • Brilliant. Took the words right out of my mouth.
    September 8th, 2010 at 01:30am
  • First, I would like to point out that humans don't have instincts. Instincts and morals are two different things. And please stop stereotyping Christianity, because not all of us think you "have no no morals" and try to cram our religion down your throats. I believe what I want to believe and you believe what you want to believe. So what there are some wack-job Christians. There are wack-job Atheists and Jews and Muslims. Any religion (or "way of life") that you think of has some wack-job extremists.

    God doesn't tell us to kill anyone. He tells us to pray for them. Some people just interpret the Bible that way. That's what the Bible is. A book. Up for anyone's interpretation.
    September 7th, 2010 at 04:32am
  • I'm an atheist, and I get pissed off when someone tries to cram their religion down my throat. Yet, when you tell a Christian about converting they get pissed off. Saying their religion is right (not everyone though), and the like. We go buy our human instincts, sometimes we do kill, have sex, steal, and everything else that is considered wrong.
    I go by my instincts and I do have morals. I don't need a book or a mythical being to tell me what is right or wrong. It's just a state of mind.
    September 6th, 2010 at 11:23pm
  • Christians have been killing us, shoving their crap down our throats, and hating us for centuries. I think we're allowed to be just a [i]little[/i] pissed off.
    September 5th, 2010 at 09:07pm
  • Oh, and the bible says God loves his children, if you dont believe in him...Well it goes without saying.
    September 5th, 2010 at 08:40pm
  • Well, most of the laws are based on religous books, not even just the bible. You can learn that in american history if you have a good teacher.
    September 5th, 2010 at 08:38pm
  • So, it's okay for Atheists to bash and be rude but it's not okay for any Christian to do it? It's okay for Atheists to stereotype Christians, because "Christians did it first?"
    Dudes, ever hear the phrase: "Two wrongs don't make a right?"
    I'd like to point out that I have never once shoved my views down anyone's throat. In fact, I support gay marriage on the basis that I cannot tell anyone what is wrong or right [even though I do think it's a sin].
    Yes, Atheists may get bashed by some bad Christians AND OTHER RELIGIONS, but that doesn't mean you should act like all Christians hate you, 'cause I don't hate you at all.
    September 5th, 2010 at 07:41pm
  • I agree completely about the fact that atheists do have morals, and we don't get enough credit for that, and that Christianity has some... very... major flaws.
    But... I do think you could've lightened up a little on the church-goers. They're not all bad, and unfortunately, it kind of took away from the article. I mean, you didn't outright bash them, but... could've lightened up.
    September 5th, 2010 at 07:21pm
  • I really enjoyed this article :) This expresses exactly as I feel, as my being Atheist. The Bible, which I do not purposely critisize, is a complete contradiction. It says God loves all, yet he wants all Homosexuals to die ? It makes no sense. I take personal offense to that, not because I'm bi or lesbian, but because my sister and a few of my friends are. No one has any right to critisize this article because it was speaking the truth.

    Anyways, this article was excellently written. This needs to get out more easily!
    The Atheist.
    September 5th, 2010 at 04:37pm
  • I really enjoyed your article. My own views on religion are, lets just say shakey at best but I have friends from different religions and the ones that I have shown this too didn't feel insulted at all. Thankyou for pointing out your thoughts on the bible because I have felt the same way for a long time.
    September 5th, 2010 at 03:58pm
  • Okay I don't understand why everyone has a problem with this article! I have been criticized and outcasted because I am Atheist. I have been told many times that I don't have morals or that I will be a bad person because I don't believe in god. And she didn't really bring up any other religion because there not the ones criticizing us (Atheists) Its mostly the Christians. And I don't care if you don't believe that i say it is mostly Christians then that's your choice.
    I have been in many fights that have almost lead to fist fights over the fact that I am Atheist. And Sometimes you tend to shove your religion down our throat because we don't believe in god. I have had so man Christians shove their religion down my throat because they found out I was Atheist but I am not saying all Christians are like that I know quite a few who are very accepting that I don't believe in god.
    But you got to take it from our (Atheists) point of view, we can only got bashed so many times before we want to bash back.
    So stop commenting on how you don't like this article because you honestly didn't have to read it. And it was her point of view and sure it was biased but everyone is biased and thinks their religion is superior it is human nature and will always be human nature. And honestly put your feet in the authors shoes you don't know if she is being resented because of what she believes in.

    Dear Author,
    It was well written. A little biased in parts, but I absolutely agreed with it!
    Good Job!!!!!
    September 5th, 2010 at 07:57am
  • Excuse me miss, may I please have your babies?

    Anyway. I completely agree with this article. I cannot tell you how many times my morals or values have come into question for the simple fact that I am an atheist. Very well written article.
    September 5th, 2010 at 03:43am
  • I didn't read it that way at all. I read it as her showing the other side of things. I didn't feel at all insulted or bashed. She's just showing the other side.
    September 4th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • [i]" To add onto these facts, over two thirds of the worldwide military is made up of Christians. That is, not to mention, that this marvelous book contradicts itself completely, yet people still choose to follow it.

    Yes, there are Atheists who have committed horrible crimes in their lifetimes, but so have Christians. Yet, unlike Atheists, Christians are told by the so-called moral-filled book that they should kill those who disagree with God’s standards. Atheists simply follow the law, and their own instincts, which tell them that to kill anyone is wrong. Atheists don’t need a promise of a wonderful eternal life at the end of this short one to be a respectful person. They just do it because it's right.

    This bears the question – are Atheists really the heathens with no sense of morality, or are the Christians? Can Christians even consider themselves Christians until they have blindly followed their god’s words, which would condemn them, not only to prison, but also to contradiction of the same man’s word?

    Apparently so."

    Yes, that is bashing. Any Christian would and should feel that she crossed a line. She did NOT even try to cover up the fact that's what she was doing. And she still has failed to address why she singled out Christians; which, in my opinion, proves that her entire point was TO bash Christians. Just kinda tried to mask it with the title which clearly isn't accurate for this article. It should be called, "My opinion about how Christians have no morals. Cause "their precious book is ridiculous". You know, since that's all she talked about.
    September 4th, 2010 at 12:40am