Love Has No Gender - Comments

  • I'm Christian, but seriously, why is being gay a sin? As said in the article: Its a defect in the brain. It's not their choice to be gay! they just are! Some people are just SO blind.
    February 10th, 2011 at 01:22am
  • wow i completely agree..great article
    January 5th, 2011 at 04:22am
  • Amazing article, I totaly agree
    December 29th, 2010 at 08:16pm
  • I agree. This country is based mostly on christianity which contradicts itself because we're supposedly free. And have free religion and everything. So why christian? We really shouldn't depend on one religion (or any). I am a christian, not a strong one though. I don't see people for their gender and I think it would be a better world if every one else did too. I mean... I don't think God would make us this way if it were wrong. And he definitely wouldn't even put the thought of being together with someone the same sex as yourself in our minds if it weren't possible. I going to stop rambling now.

    I agree; that is all. Good article.
    December 27th, 2010 at 07:10pm
  • Insanity's Artist. I could'nt have said it better myself.
    December 18th, 2010 at 06:09am
  • I wish to thank you for writting such a great article. i back up anoslutely EVERYTHING that was written. we are suposed to be the country of freedom, its about d*mn time we start acting like it.
    December 13th, 2010 at 06:46am
  • btw just for the record no I am not christian I am an atheist
    December 7th, 2010 at 01:38am
  • Quite true.

    Nice article.
    December 7th, 2010 at 12:20am
  • [b]Jessyka[/b]
    Simply because you're religion states that something is an adomination doesn't mean that it should be illegal everywhere. America is a land where equal oppurtunity is supposedly a high ideal and to deny homosexual couples their right to marry is an insult to that ideal. I don't know where you live, but that's my reasoning for America to allow it.

    Secondly, as you're most likely Christian, if you study your Bible, you'll notice that all sins are equal in the eyes of God -except one which would be denying his existence or rejecting Him all out and never accepting Him, or pretending to accept Him and really not, all of which are basically rejecting Him and the only actual damning sin is to reject Him - and that means in God's eyes, homosexuality and cussing are the same. Anytime you sin, God doesn't think, "Oh, at least she's not homosexual." Its all the same to Him. They're all going against God and the Bible. Your judgement of homosexuals might be considered sinful because thats not how Jesus taught us to treat other people, especially nonbelievers or those in sin.

    To look at a homosexual in disgust because its a sin and you for some reason think its the "worst" or "most disgusting" sin is completely against Jesus's teachings. Jesus, who chose a tax collector (Matthew) as one of his disciples.. Jesus, who chose to spend his time with the sinners of society, the dirty, unwanted people, and lepers who were considered the lowest of the low. And thats what Jesus wants us to do. He doesn't want us to look at a homosexual and go "What a freaking abomination." He wants us to accept that person, befriend them, love them.

    And God gave us free will to sin. He gave us the choice not to or to go ahead. To take away someone's free will, which is essentially what you would be doing by trying to keep gay marriage illegal because its sin, is wrong. Its a gift God gave to us and you want to throw it away for other people, but keep it for yourself.

    And not everyone is even a Christian. You're going to tell a non-Christian homosexual that it should be illegal for them to get married because thats what the Bible says? Where is your logic in that? There is also a such thing as a civil marriage. (However, if they are Christian and a church will marry them, then they still have that right, and you still really can't rightly make it illegal because its their belief system.)

    Look at it this way, what if it was the other way around? What if it was only holy for homosexuals to get married but not heterosexuals and you were stopped from getting married because thats what THEIR Bible said? Would that be right? No, it wouldn't.

    I will make a point to say, I am a Christian, and homosexuality is a sin, but I am all for homosexual marriage.

    And on a side note, God loves homosexuals and would love for all of them to accept Him.
    December 5th, 2010 at 08:08pm
  • Look i dont mean to be rude but what are you talking about?? Gay marriages should be illegal all over this world especially america. ITS AN ABOMINATION!!! thats my opinion and a smart one too.
    November 30th, 2010 at 01:58am
  • [b]godless.[/b]
    Those are "rules" in the Old Testament, but when Jesus came, a new covenant was born and some of those "rules" were invalidated. For example, the pork thing, Jesus makes a statement that its not what goes into your mouth that makes you unclean, but what comes out, therefore its not a sin to eat pork.
    Its hard to explain quickly, but a lot of things were also cultural, and aren't meant to be taken literally anymore.
    Homosexuality is not one of those things.
    November 29th, 2010 at 08:42pm
  • This was certainly emotional and passionate, as well as well written, but looking at it as an article, there are some major flaws.

    You had few facts. Mostly it was a big rage. Articles can be all one opinion, and this one would be really good since it includes the most common counterarguments, but you don't include real fact, which is a necessity in the article.

    Also, some of your statements might be fact, but you don't cite it to show where you learned that. It just seems like a speculation.

    And about the comment on the Bible.. I assume you're talking about the King James version, who was known to be a tyrant, but there are a lot of different versions of the Bible, which line up with the King James, that have all been translated from the original texts. And a lot of pastors are taught Greek and Roman so they can better interpret the Bible. Also, King James didn't write the Bible, he had scribes translate it. Other authors wrote the Bible. In fact, if you read the New Testament, it tells you who wrote which book, so you know.

    I think if you're going to argue against the religious argument then you should mention Church and State being separate, not argue against the validity of the Bible, because that's not the issue when it comes to the religious argument.

    Personal note, I am a Christian and homosexuality is a sin, but I still think they should be allowed to get married.
    November 29th, 2010 at 08:33pm
  • This is amazing.

    This article was written with amazing talent, and highlights everything I believe. If only that's what others thought.

    Gay marriage [i]should[/i] be legal. It's the same as regular marriage. Two people in love.
    November 29th, 2010 at 04:36am
  • I agree with this article. Homosexuals are people just like us. What makes us think that we can take a persons rights away? x.x
    November 28th, 2010 at 08:17pm
  • Thank you for writing this this.

    Did you know that extrapolation shows there is a successful suicide attempt by a gay/lesbian teen every 5 hours and 48 minutes. Every 5 hours and 48 minutes, we lose someone because we couldn't let them be them.

    That is horrible, what makes it wrong? It's the same thing as liking the oppisite sex. Just because they are a girl or a guy doesn't mean anything. What if all of a sudden people think it's wrong for people to be straight? I'm not religous, but from what I've heard, the bible wasn't written by god, or jesus, but others, it could be their opinion, but we have no way of knowing, its the same as being racist or having slaves because their not 'people' we need to fix our society.
    November 28th, 2010 at 04:31am
  • While I'm a christian and I love God, I also don't care who is gay, who's not, who likes who from which gender, or anything like that.
    It's actually not as big of a deal as everyone is making it.
    It's "your" right as an individual to love who you want to love.
    And I see how a gay person would get mad and feel put out because they couldn't marry who they wanted to marry because they were gay.

    That being said, I think everyone should SUCK it up and move on. If you're not accepted by someone because of the gender you love, shoot them a bird and tell them to fuck off. It's not a big enough deal to whine about it like a child.
    And yeah. You're mad that you can't legally get married, with the papers and whatever. But at least you can be together. At least you can buy each other rings. At least you can live together and at least you can make love to them where ever, when ever.

    The problem with everyone today is how negative they look at things.

    BE HAPPY that things aren't worse then what they are.
    Pulling the "They're just fucking homophobic" card all the time is really, really annoying and it's actually quite tired. Just because someone may have a certain opinion, doesn't make them homophobic.

    There's something called preferance.
    And if they prefer to feel one way, that is their perogative.

    Stop shitting on everyone for how they feel.
    You don't like homosexual people? That's fine. Don't be a dickhead.
    You don't think that someone is being nice enough to you and you MIGHT be offended because you THINK it's because you're gay?
    Don't jump to conclusions and whine about it.

    Leave well enough alone.
    And stop complaining.
    November 27th, 2010 at 01:44am
  • Amen! I agree with almost all of this but the only thing is these "defect" thing. I don't agree with it. I believe that love has no doesn't matter who you are. Totally agree with...most of it
    November 27th, 2010 at 12:40am
  • I think all people should just love, if there was more love there would be less crime, less hate, and less war. Everything would be so much better off.
    November 26th, 2010 at 09:10pm
  • If there was a god- why would he create such people....Gay? i Agree with this article and it supports all the same i do.. if straight can marry- gays can.. Government is denying them from love but yet some can go home to their loving family? don't they feel guilty for causing people unhappiness... i do not beleive in god because everyone is supposed to be treated equal but why create black people? to give them a hard life? Jews? Arabs? Gays? Really? People that give people a hard life are not created by god.. wouldn't they be created by the "devil"? No one should be treated the way all those ethnicity and races should.....Im Up for equal rights-- but the curches are totally wrong about god...
    November 25th, 2010 at 05:04am
  • I agree with your title fully, but the article seemed biased and completley opinionated. I would have loved to have read this and thought, "This person is completley right and knows their stuff" but you just added more anger to something that already has enough, gay marriage should be allowed because love is love and people should live their lives for them. Nothing else. I get your piont but you could have said it differently.
    November 25th, 2010 at 04:31am