CyberBullying: A Growing Trend

Cyber Bullying, a growing trend While there is no main reason for bullying, race, sexual orientation, weight and religion are the top runners. In today's society a person is judged based upon their looks and how the public sees a "sexy" person. They objectify women into believing that they should all be size zeros with tight abs and a firm buttocks, while men should have bulging muscles and washboard abs. It is the media that puts out this image of the perfect body that opens doors for people to get judged based upon their looks. There are skin care products and hair dyes, what ever happened to a person being who they are and being proud of that? Why must we offer all of these look altering products?

Cyber bullying is becoming one of the nations number one cause of self-inflicted pain and suicide. One out of every three teens in the United States has been bullied over the internet or their phone. However, less than half of them ever report it. This is because, cyber bullying isn't taken seriously. Although this is a trend among teenagers, younger children are subject to this type of abuse as well.

On the internet anyone can be whoever they want to be, they can hide behind "anonymous" buttons or say things that they wouldn't say to a person's face. The internet gives teenagers the freedom to post whatever they want to say with no retaliation, because it is never taken seriously. Cyber bullying can cause physical and emotional harm. It is just as harmful to a person as physical abuse. It can lead to depression, unhealthy relationships and result in suicide.

For teenagers, high school can be tough enough, dealing with stereo typing and labeling. Just because a person likes science, doesn't make them a nerd or because someone has a boyfriend/girlfriend, they are automatically having sex. Each and every person is different and has no right to be judged.

In order to stop this pandemic from getting any worse, every one needs to help make a difference. If you see someone getting bullied, whether you are close to them or not. Say something. Even if it isn't to the person and it is to someone else, say something, whether the person wants you to or not. Everyone needs to know that they have at least one person on their side. Don't be afraid to be the first one to say something, because chances are, everyone else is thinking the same thing that you are. Once one person stands up, the rest will follow the trend.

By standing up for one person, you may have helped save a life. That's a price that I can live with, can you?

For more information, you can visit my soure Bullying Statistics.

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