Religious Robots - Comments

  • Asteria

    Asteria (100)

    totally agree with this, some people can just go too far in their extremist views. They constantly say they are spreading the 'word of God' but I don't trust people, especially not on a whim. I am a Christian and I believe in God and I also hold pagan beliefs as well, I do not believe God will condemn me because I believe in cause I like to think he is loving and supportive. I do not however believe in the supposed 'word' of extremists nor their propaganda which includes the Bible. To me the Bible is a work of complete fiction twisting the ancient tales of pagan beliefs, promoting extremist views and announcing it is the single and only religion to go for. For me that is just not on.
    December 10th, 2010 at 12:53pm
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    [b]godless.[/b] Even the institution itself can't be generalized like that, because there are too many components to it. You can't look at one broad religion like Christianity and say the whole organization is attempting to force itself on people.
    December 9th, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • ImmaEnforcer

    ImmaEnforcer (100)

    United States
    Love the article. =] I agree about the brainwashing. My religion class is sickening.
    I'm not religious. I don't have God Almighty in my life. And I'm happier than I ever have been. This is my life- I'm living it how I want. You people have your lives- live them how you want.
    December 9th, 2010 at 06:24am
  • aimless_ramble

    aimless_ramble (100)

    United States
    ierotic killjoy is it? Just read your comment referring to Can'tHelpButLoveYou and I must say you are being very judgemental yourself. Okay so you were totally offended by this article, but it was someone's opinion. Don't get so worked up about it, you still have your faith right? That's all that should matter to you.
    You think this article was an attack that groups all christians together, well you seem to think the same towards atheist claiming you haven't met one that was 'warm'.

    And for the record God isn't the light of my world and Im perfectly fine :)
    December 9th, 2010 at 04:05am
  • aimless_ramble

    aimless_ramble (100)

    United States
    The Westboro Baptist Church is a family full of wackos :P and i don't consider them christian at all just mentally distrubed and sick. You're right, every religion has its ups and downs. For some people christianity is the road for them, for others its not :p As for me? Well lol Christianity screwed me all up in the head for about all of my high school years xD
    December 9th, 2010 at 03:54am
  • Ramona Flowers.

    Ramona Flowers. (150)

    United States
    I was raised Catholic, but now I'm practical agnostic. I'm open minded towards all religions, and I'm pretty happy. I don't like the idea of a single entity controlling every aspect of every single person's life. Sorry.

    [b]ierotic[/b]: You're generalizing atheists, and by that you have become quite a hypocrite. Just keep your beliefs to yourself and don't shake the Bible in my face. Thanks.
    December 9th, 2010 at 03:15am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    [b]ierotic:[/b] You didn't express an opinion. You complained that you were offended and used childish insults to boot. That was not "within reason" at all. Sorry, does the word "fool" offend you? Okay, your [i]comment[/i] was foolish, providing no argument or solid reasons why you disagreed. It was ranty and childish, and nobody is going to take it seriously. That better?

    And I have no idea how you think [i]I'm[/i] bashing anyone's beliefs. I'm only "bashing" an institution, as well as the poor quality of the article itself. If you get offended by that, well, that's not my problem. It was critical, but not malicious in any way, and I have the right to express my opinion just as much as you do.

    So, how about a real rebuttal, then? First off, I find it amusing that you complain about the author generalizing Christians, and then go on to say that people without God can never feel joy. Generalizing on your part, clearly. I can tell you personally, as a strong atheist, that you don't need a supernatural being to see the beauty of the universe. By learning what makes things the way they are, and exploring to find the answers of life, is the most fulfilling, and joyful, experience of all.

    So yeah, don't accuse anyone of lumping a group of people together to criticize them and then do it yourself. It doesn't provide a very strong argument.
    December 8th, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • unapologetic.

    unapologetic. (100)

    United States
    [b]Can'tHelpButLoveYou[/b]: This article is an obvious attack that unfairly generalizes and is personally insulting in a variety of ways. I'm not going to leave out [b]anything[/b]. And it's not hypocritical, I'm far from cold, I just don't like having my beliefs attacked and mocked-- I have yet to meet an atheist who is warm, optimistic, and anything of that sort. Y'know why? God's the light of the world. If you're constantly rejecting that, there's no way to be spiritually at peace or joyful. Not "happy", because that's a fleeting emotion, but at peace. Truly joyful. There's always that hole there, whether you acknowledge it and know it's there or not. I've seen some articles that get my goat, but by far this is the most attacking one I've seen. And it raises no valid points at all, just assumes all Christians are brainwashed and dogmatic, and freely bashes religion as a whole. It's the personal vendetta of someone trying to run from God, passed off as a opinion article.

    [b]godless.[/b] Oh, I "look like a fool"? Last time I checked, that was flaming. I didn't personally insult you, and I have a right to be upset and state my opinion within reason. Don't resort to name calling because you can't handle criticism. If you're willing to bash what people believe in, be willing to handle the backlash that comes along with it.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:53pm
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    [b]Insanity's Artist:[/b] All organized religion that tries to force their way into government, education, and other people's personal lives. So, no, not [i]all[/i] religious people. Just their organizations.
    December 8th, 2010 at 06:30pm
  • SNiiPER

    SNiiPER (100)

    Falkland Islands
    It's well written but generalised a bit. I mean I'm also following the same religion (Islam) as my parents but that doesn't mean I've been closed off to other religions. My father has encouraged us to learn about new things, different religions anything which would allow us to know more about the World.

    But with that said, there are some people around the world who suffer with their parents forcing their religion onto them. I feel for them because no one should be forced to do such a thing, everyone has their own belief, opinion whatever it's up to the person to believe what they want. Let them look for their outlook of life.
    December 8th, 2010 at 04:41pm
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    I get the point of your article, because this DOES happen, but its seriously offensive. Just because we believe in something or have a religion doesn't mean we're brain washed, cynical, intolerant, or any of that crap.
    And DO NOT clump Westboro in with the rest of Christians, because they are what you called them, a CULT. And they do NOT represent the rest of us in ANY way, except we all believe in Jesus. Maybe. Personally, I just think Fred Phelps is a psycho.

    When you were talking about a pushy, exlcusive, dogmatic group and all that, were you referring to all Christians or simply Westboro?
    December 8th, 2010 at 06:56am
  • Alisa Jades

    Alisa Jades (100)

    United Kingdom
    Er....I really don't know what to say...this article was quite well-written...but on the wrong subject...

    Dude...I was born and raised as a Muslim..I follow every rules ( or at least, try as hard as I can)..that DOESN'T mean I'm intolerant towards other religions...

    I've got tons of Christian, Hindu, Buddha etc. friends and we got along well...although they know I'm a Muslim, they respect my beliefs and vice, what's your problem if we were born and raised on a religion our parents taught and followed in devoutly? Is it a federal crime? Golly, I never knew that!
    December 8th, 2010 at 06:41am
  • kiskis

    kiskis (100)

    United States
    "Not all of us are cynical and cold enough to cast any hope in the supernatural aside"

    Okay if you want to rant about how offenended you are by an article that had some touchy points made, not even written to offened you in the first place might I add, leave out the fact that someone who does not have the same beliefs as you in God is "cynical and cold". It just makes you sound like a hypocrite.
    December 8th, 2010 at 05:07am
  • AnonymousK

    AnonymousK (100)

    United States
    I really don't see the point of the article. It is well written I'll give you that, but to me it just seems like an attack on Christianity.

    But a point you made about being raised, not everyone is like that. You just say that people won't except them. You don't particularlly show that some people actually do. And things that you are brought up to be considered as a sin, again not everyone believes that. Some may actually grow up to be openminded about homosexulaity as you addressed.
    December 8th, 2010 at 03:45am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    [b]ierotic; killjoy:[/b] Oh, come on. Ranting and raving about how you're offended does nothing. You just look like a fool.
    December 7th, 2010 at 11:39pm
  • unapologetic.

    unapologetic. (100)

    United States
    Cereal Killer, I totally agree.

    This article is insulting to the extreme! I can think for myself, thank you. My parents raised me with Christian values, and you're making it seem like I'm the spawn of satan because I still follow those beliefs and seek a relationship with God by CHOICE. Seriously, it's like someone switched your toilet paper with sandpaper last night or something! I am not narrow minded in the least, I have looked at other religions. But I don't want to follow them, because I believe Christianity's the right way to go. that doesn't mean I've been "forced" to not choose anything else. How dare you try to make people feel like soulless sheep because they actually have the faith to believe in something! Not all of us are cynical and cold enough to cast any hope in the supernatural aside. It's not being a "realist", it's being obtuse. I'm so ticked off right now, I can't even. God help you.
    December 7th, 2010 at 08:45pm
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    I hope all the people leaving rude comments on this article feel good about themselves. Congratulations, you can demean someone on the internet.
    December 7th, 2010 at 08:13pm
  • ImaginationOnAPlate

    ImaginationOnAPlate (100)

    United States
    I do not follow a religion. But I grew up Catholic, and my mom and both her parents are religious. I think it just depends on how you are raised. I think it is a valid point to say that parents want their children to believe the same things as they do, but it isn't always accurate... and often it is because the parents believe that their beliefs are right. Whether that is fair or not is another story...

    However, I think that this is true with any religion, and that anyone who is an extremist will be exactly that, extreme. Which, as I'm sure we all know, is not always a good thing.
    December 7th, 2010 at 01:14pm
  • Cereal Killer

    Cereal Killer (100)

    United States
    It's so funny when hardcore atheists pretend to be tolerant. They're just as bad as the religious types.

    And kids who go against their parents religion (or lack thereof) are a dime a dozen. And most churchgoers aren't Westboro religious freaks. Did some bible-thumper piss in your corn flakes or something?
    December 7th, 2010 at 03:56am
  • Romans6:14

    Romans6:14 (100)

    United States
    While I am well aware that this DOES happen, I disagree completely.

    Yes, people often pass their beliefs on to their children, and you do get parents who will disown children over theological differences or whatnot. That doesn't mean it's right though, and it doesn't mean they're just being devout.
    The Bible is very clear: Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. (And as Westboro seems to have missed this point, your "neighbor" is not just someone with the same beliefs as you. EVERYONE is your neighbor. Proof? The parable of the good Samaritan.)
    Ultimately children have the freedom to choose whether or not they will keep their parents' religion. They have to make it their own faith at some point, and chances are it won't line up perfectly with their parents. I can personally attest to that. I had to make my faith my own, and I know it's not entirely the same as my parents'. Yes, we still follow the same religion and for the most part it's the same, but I also have things that I disagree with. They are somewhat intolerant of homosexuality; Some of my closest friends are gay.
    Westboro is NOT a church. They are using God and their freedom of speech as an excuse to hate people, and they will have to account for their actions at some point.

    I also disagree that people who follow a religion are robots. I know there are exceptions, but we're not brainwashed just because we believe something. Just because you follow a religion doesn't mean you lose all common sense and your ability to think for yourself. Personally, I believe much of what my pastor preaches because it makes sense. I know he does his research thoroughly, and if something doesn't sound right I'll research it myself. As should everyone if something doesn't add up with the rest of the teaching (ie, teaching love but condemning homosexuals). Pastors are human too. They're not perfect just because they lead a church. They have problems and temptations and personal opinions just like everyone else.
    December 7th, 2010 at 01:12am