Instant Gratification Isn't All Bad - Comments

  • You forgot colleges; they definitely use the mail -.-
    Mmm...while I see your point about using the technology we have, I'd have to argue that it's gone a bit too far. It's great, to communicate with people fast. It's not so great to never be unreachable anymore.
    And it's great, to have the Internet as a resource...but it's not so great that we now need constant entertainment, 24/7.
    It's not bad, to use the technology that's there....but I personally believe that we overuse it to the point of addiction.
    February 27th, 2011 at 11:09pm
  • The need for Instant Gratification could also be called an addiction. Addictions aren’t healthy. I used to be like that but I cut back. Being constantly connected hurt many of my friends’ grades. A study was published saying that when teens don’t receive an instant reply they feel signs of withdrawal.
    February 25th, 2011 at 10:18pm
  • This was well written but sounded more like a journal.
    February 25th, 2011 at 04:34pm
  • I don't use my mobile much, but it's survived so long that I still love it though. :)

    But I agree, we are a society that is dependent on technology. But it's not our fault, we're not the ones who created all this technology. Adults can't blame us for using what's simply given to us to help with our fast lives. If they want someone to blame, they should blame the people who make all this technology that the adults, themselves, probably use too. A phone or a text can save someone's life rather then sending a letter or a fax and it arriving too late.
    February 24th, 2011 at 11:29pm
  • I know, I wrote this for my school's newspaper though, and didn't think about changing it until after I posted it.
    February 24th, 2011 at 11:21pm
  • You know, America isn't the whole world.

    Today's communication isn't just in the US, it's everywhere. Just saying.
    February 24th, 2011 at 10:28pm