Keaton Wong: A Truly Inspirational Person

It's officially been a week since the Kamehameha school year has ended. Five days since the graduation ceremony. You'd think that today would be a time of celebrating. A time where all the seniors are going around, partying it up like it's nobody's business. But, as i log on to facebook, not having much to do, I noticed all of my recently graduate friends were all online, carrying the same message as their status.

Keaton Wong was dead.

Keaton Wong, a legend at the school. He was a running back on our school's JV football team. He was a great friend and had a close family at hand. As a sophomore, I didn't think anything bad could happen to anyone.

But it happened to him. Wong was a sophomore when he was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a cancer that was developing in the nerve tissue. His family was strong and he was able to get the treatment to overcome it in time for his junior year, where everything ran smoothly for the time being

However, it came back even worse than the first time when he became a senior. He ended up missing several classes to be bedridden at the hospital. However, he didn't let that stop him from enjoying his senior year the best he could. He joined his class in the Kamehameha School's Song Contest, an annual song-filled ceremony that pitted each class against each other. He was determine to join his class in this last contest, proving to be one of the best memories as the seniors swept the contest. He made it to his senior prom and his graduation too.

However, as I sit here reading his wall posts on facebook, I can't help but feel as though a truly great person is lost from this world forever. He had just graduated and now he was gone.

His determination brought the senior class together and gave inspiration to everyone who hears his story. So, as I write this with the rain falling,(a fitting mood, is it not?) I ask for you to please share his story.

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