
Homosexuality Faggot, homo, dyke, queer; all these names can be associated with people's views on homosexuality, but they don’t even know the half of it. I mean, is being gay really that big of deal? The following story is my take on homosexuality and how I feel that they are the most discriminated. Also I’ve taken a poll from my peers to see what they think on the subject and I sat down with one of my good friends Justin, a gay teen male, to see how hard it is for him in society today. Prepare for an emotional roller coaster.

Ho-mo-sex-u-al-i-ty = noun - A sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex

Personally, I see nothing wrong with loving a person of the same sex. You can’t help who you fall in love with. For example, I was watching the Tyra Show yesterday evening, and her show was entitled “I’m a straight man and in love with a Transsexual”. See the thing was he fell in love with someone who he thought was a woman. But then when he found out she was a man, he didn’t care. He still loved her. Now I see nothing wrong with that (I find it rather adorable really). But they did plead abstinence 'till she got her TSR/Transsexual Sex Reassignment Surgery. Which I completely understand.

Now, I know most people are against it because of religious reasons. I think it's all bologna. I’m a strong Christian believer, but there are parts of the Bible I disagree with. Like that all homosexuals will go to hell. I don’t believe that’s likely. You can't help how you feel. Some think you're born gay; others think it’s a choice. Now, I’m not so sure which one I agree with the most. But I’m pretty sure you could be born gay. I mean you see stories of people born one way and think like another, like most transsexuals. They are born male/female, but feel as if they should be the opposite, as if trapped in the wrong body.

Ho-mo-pho-bia = Irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

Yes, there is a lot of hate groups towards the gay community. But I think they are just scared of diversity. Or they're “so” religious that they think they have to be rude and crude towards people that have different morals as theirs. But what irks me, is that people claim to hate gays only because God says so. God never said to hate and discriminate against those who are homosexual. “Hate the sin, not the sinner” and “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”, are things that God really said. So if they are so religious, they’d know that, now wouldn’t they? Think about it. But it is said that people are also against gays because their in fear that they might be gay themselves. Like “hate/kill the queer and you’re not like him, because you’ve distanced yourself from him". Stupid huh?

Bi-sex-u-al = Sexual attracted to both sexes

Now some people don’t really hate/discriminate towards bisexuals as much as homosexuals. For a while, being “Bi” was a trend. I’m serious. When I was in 8th grade, if you asked someone what their sexual orientation was, 85% would have said Bi. But now, not so much. Either they went completely gay, or completely straight, not both. I asked one of the kids in my class who’s homophobic if they hated bisexuals too. He said: “No, not really because they’re half straight. So it's less likely they’ll hit on you or try to make a move on you”. Oh, ok. So apparently people are also afraid of homosexuals because they’re scared they will try to hit on them or flirt with them. That’s just ridiculous if I do say myself.

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