Death and Suicide - Comments

  • I have to say, this couldn't be much of an article than it should be. It lacked facts than should be in an article rather than in a journal. Although, if this were posted as a journal, I wouldn't mind it at all. It still lacked that raw emotion, however it still brought a truth about death in some way.
    August 12th, 2012 at 04:11pm
  • Like people said, this article lacked emotion. To the topic though, I feel weird about death. I am definitely not afraid of death. I'm not suicidal right now though. If you die, you die. You won't care about something good coming up in your life anymore because you're dead, nothing matters after you're dead. Not that your dead self cares anyways.

    I can relate to the pushing people away thing. I feel extremely selfish when I confide in people, so I don't. They don't need my burden on their shoulders. They have problems too and it seems selfish to talk about mine with them. It's easier to live with it bottled up then to let it all out, even if it hurts more.
    August 7th, 2012 at 08:53pm
  • This is very well written I must say. I can relate a lot to pushing people away, and some other points you have made (some I didn't even realize). All in all, good job!
    August 4th, 2012 at 06:12pm
  • I personally think that maybe this article should hold more of the truth then the opinion as glass and Aris had stated.

    My personal views?

    I have been to the point where I did push people away. Fact of the matter is, you want someone to agree with your feelings and you want to know how right you are when you talk about suicide or death. Overall, you want someone to approve of you leaving this Earth and the life you have created. One person in my life had told me that death and suicide was okay and she nearly led me to my own extinction, that was my best friend Julie. She agreed with me on so many things even though they were so unhealthy, even though I wanted to hear it. When I popped those pills into my mouth, I knew right then that I did something SO wrong. I made myself gag and puke them up even if it was the last thing I had done.

    Bullying is one of the main causes, but it is also caused by unexpected depression that a lot of people may feel. Such as me, depression is genetic. My family runs with depression blood and it is a hard feeling to over come. It comes to the point where you think it is a normal emotion when it truly isn't.

    Some emotions that you stated are a completely 180 flip to the things that I have felt. Sometimes you want to be alone, abandoned. Like me most of the time. Most of the time I want to be alone. I want people to just leave me so I can sit by myself and listen to music at lunch while reading a book. So I can sit in my room for the rest of the day without interacting with my brother or rest of the family. Other times I want people to be there. I want to laugh and share all these emotions. I want advice, I want help. Personally? This article should have been researched a lot more. You put a lot of your opinions into it.
    July 28th, 2012 at 09:32pm
  • To be honest, I really didn't get any emotion from this,
    and it made me disappointed. If you're gonna talk about death, at least put some emotion and thought into it, ya know?

    Plus, it bounced around from suicide to loss, and that confused me a tad.
    July 26th, 2012 at 06:56pm
  • I'd say this would be more suited as a journal entry, rather than an article because it contains a very high percentage of opinions.

    I feel article could be improved if you were to add statistics, speculate on why people have poor self image, why bullies do what they do and what sort of feelings a suicidal person will cycle through. Also the adding of links to sites that will support suicidal teens and adults would be very helpful for those who read this and feel urged to get them self some kind of help.

    I can not agree with a lot of what you say, however. I myself have been suicidal at different points in my life and I have desired a range of different things. One time it was attention, shock and people to talk to. Another time I wanted everyone to leave me alone, I wanted my loved ones to abandon me so I could become the distasteful thing I pictured myself being, I wanted them gone so I could justify myself.

    This article is very obviously written by one person, and other opinions have not been taking in. I feel that, with research, you would be able to take in other view points and add extra dimensions to this. Also, It's a very jumpy article, from suicide to death of a loved one just like that.

    Despite the positive message this does seem to relay, it's very... plastic? I'm not getting any real emotion, feeling, from it. However, it does contain some thought, and punctuation and spelling are all in order.
    July 25th, 2012 at 06:14pm