Manbag: The Return

Manbag: The Return "The manbag is back and bolder than ever", says ID magazine. I couldn't agree more. Vuitton, Westwood, Prada - they are all doing it.

The concept of a man carrying a bag around with his inner-most personal possessions (including wallet, phone, keys, perhaps even his tissues or a little bit of cover up), in my opinion, is genius! Obviously, high fashion labels are out of the question for the budget prone but many known high street retailers are catching onto the idea. It is not every day you see a man walk around the streets with his manbag in toe, but it is certainly a concept we should get used to! Walking down Oxford street, I was most definitely spotting a few of us 'man-bagging' it.

But why aren't more men showing off their purse? The whole gender divide issue concept crops up in my mind. No it is not at all effeminate, well maybe just a little. Come on, it is hardly 1980's androgyny now, is it? Other than that old images of Roy cropper browsing around Weatherfield with his "man bag" are conjured up. Sorry Roy.

So next time you are at Topman or high-fashion outlet why not give the man bag a try? Clean-cut minimalism seems to be a good look at the moment.

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