Prince Harry's Royal Scandal in Sin City - Comments

  • He should definitely be given a bit of freedom. He's legally an adult and he can do whatever he want. I don't see why him doing what he likes is such a scandal!? Lots of people do this sort of thing daily. It's not like he's eighty four and running around naked in the streets!

    I think people should respect his choices and give the guy a break! Everyone makes mistakes. Just because he's such a key figure in the UK doesn't mean he doesn't deserve time off to be himself. HE'S JUST HAVING FUN!
    August 24th, 2012 at 12:43am
  • Okay fair enough he is Royal and should act sensible at times, but he was on holiday, a private holiday. Why shouldn't he be allowed to have the same fun the rest of us are? It's hardly his fault that someone he obviously thought he could trust betrayed him by selling those photos.

    You're all acting like he's the next king of our country. He't not and nor will he ever be. Even if he was given the chance he seems likely to either turn it down or, step up to the mark. I mean he knows how to behave when he has to but I think you all forget he's just a normal guy.

    I mean seriously, he's a soldier as well and for that he's practically an angel. He just wanted to have some fun and let his hair down, unfortunately for him he has an awful habit of getting caught.

    The Royals have very little influence in government and although the Queen has the power to control certain things she never does. They royals have pretty much no power. So all of you complaining he has power, no he doesn't. The main role of the royal family is to sit and look pretty and bring in tourists, and bring a fuck of a lot of money to this country, and trust me this is going to bring a lot of money.

    Just so you all know the Royal family pay taxes too, and they pay more money in taxes than they get given from the civil list. So please don't use that as an excuse. They bring so much money to this country, so if Harry wants to go out and have a little fun, let him. It is none of our business.
    August 24th, 2012 at 12:37am
  • My opinion? It's a penis and some buttcheeks, dude. It's not that big of a deal. Everyone has an ass, and a lot of people have penises. However, because this one in particular belongs to a member of the royal family, everyone has to make a huge fuss about it. Seriously? Shut up. He was just trying to have some fun. I'm sure the queen wasn't exactly the Virgin Mary in her day. So shut it.
    August 24th, 2012 at 12:34am
  • @ joan.

    I think everyone should just think like you. XD
    I'm not British (although I wish I was, those accents are to die for) but its stupid that its made as important news world wide.
    August 24th, 2012 at 12:10am
  • I think everyone should just hop off!
    He's trying to have fun, live his life while he's still young. I feel really bad for him, because he's always in the spotlight, always expected to be a perfect prince. Where's the fun in that?
    I say, until he is ACTUALLY the king of England, he should be entitled to all the wild fun he wants.
    But when the day comes, I really do think he'll be responsible enough to lead his country.
    Again, poor harry, all he wanted to do was have alittle fun. But, of course the whole freaking world has to know every drunk thing he does. -.-
    August 24th, 2012 at 12:07am
  • Exactly what n.chalklen said, he obviously was having a personal time with friends. I don't think he purposely put himself out there, or like every poor "celeb" there's always that one fake friend who will sell them out for something. Yeah maybe it wasn't the wisest decision to play strip poker, but come on! Have you not done something with friends that was meant to be a joke? I'm sure you wouldn't like if someone was scolding you for having a good time. Regardless of him being royalty or not, I'm sure he has a life of his own beside the public. The media blew out of proportion, and because one person decided to be a rat and take pictures, probably wanting a nice little cut from the tabloids, I don't think it's fair to scold someone for doing something in their personal time. And he was doing it in Las Vegas, not home. Maybe he got lost in the moment, maybe he wanted to have fun, who knows and who cares. I think this was a total invasion of privacy.
    August 24th, 2012 at 12:05am
  • @ maria.isa.cutie
    I cant really say I agrew with you. I mean, I understand a possible future king of england to start acting responsibly but I do not agree w/ ur statement that "none of hia shenanigans are brought into the public eye again." Prince Harry did not have the intention of showing those photos to the public so it's not his fault.

    If it is anybody's fault, I think it should be the security for not confiscating recording/picture taking devices but as previously stated, they cannot control his life, they just keep him safe from harm.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • I for one think this utter crap and Prince Harry has ONCE AGAIN ashamed the royal family. My opinion is that Prince Harry needs to grow up and start acting as a man of his age should so none of these shenanigans are brought into the public view again.

    And also, whoever took and sold the photos to TMZ is a slimey sleazeball who had no right to invade Prince Harry's privacy. They should be ashamed of themselves!
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:51pm
  • @ discoveringclouds
    oh yes definitely! i conpletely agree. some people think that because he's got a military background it's good enough but i don't want an army brute ruling me. someone like socrates and the dalai lama crossed would be perfect :-(
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:45pm
  • As someone who is British, I can whole-heartedly this: I don't care.

    Some people are acting as if it's the end of the world when it doesn't matter. Atthe end of the day, he is just some bloke acting like a tit which happens to the commoner all the goddamn time. Who cares?

    Some people seem to be "glorifying" the role that the monarch plays in our country. All they do is rubber stamp things and wave. That's it. Harry is perfectly capable of that and even then, it's only a possibility of him becoming a monarch.

    So, in short, meh. Who cares. Let it go.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:43pm
  • @ tigermilk
    From what I hear he is a bit more sensible. If he did something more amazing and useful with his resources it would make me glad to have a monarch. Well it's not much that they do anyways, but they could become much greater if they had some substance to their rule. Some great writings, some philosophy, some ideas about the world? They seem lost in tradition and counting each other. They need to bring themselves to the world, make themselves available to help. It's more what they can do for us, than what we can do for them. That's how it should be.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:24pm
  • @ discoveringclouds
    at least prince william is more sensible and has his head on straight!
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:18pm
  • @ n.chalklen
    I loathe the government here, so I'd like to see the monarchy have a more active role. so many people think they should be done away with because they seem "useless" and when prince harry behaves like this it gives them more of a reason to dislike them. no problemo! it's well written and unbiased so good job Cute
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:17pm
  • @ tigermilk
    I'm from Australia so I too do not know the impact of this "scandal" in the UK. I had known that the Queen had "advised" the British tabloids not to print the photos, but I had no idea there was a ban on them.

    I admire your compassion for your country and thank you so much for sharing your opinion on my article.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:11pm
  • @ c.parterro
    Exactly! I'm so glad some people see that!

    @tigermilk is right. Canada and the UK are under a threat with such a stupid person close to the throne! I want scholars not party-goers!
    August 23rd, 2012 at 11:04pm
  • when he does stuff like this, some of my friends are like "yeah he's a modern royal I'd prefer him as a king" but I think he reminds me too much of the boys who bullied me at school, and he's an adult! if he was eighteen it would be more of an "okay he's young" but he's nearly THIRTY. he know as what he's doing and he's just stupid.

    AND HELLO! all of you who have commented so far are AMERICAN so I don't think you get how serious it is over here, there's a ban on the pictures being shown in britain for crying out loud. it's a HUGE deal so you can't just say good luck to him, he's potentially going to RULE my country!
    August 23rd, 2012 at 10:43pm
  • @ discoveringclouds
    You're absolutely right, actually. But people, like me, don't really know that. They only know that he's famous and people are always on his case. I thought there were some rules and expectations to be met and if you didn't meet those, you would be ruled out and not allowed to take over. That's all I remember from history class...
    August 23rd, 2012 at 10:19pm
  • @ discoveringclouds
    I think you raised an EXCELLENT point with your comment on this "scandal". Yes, he is a 27 yeard old who is 'having fun', but at the tax-payers expense. Surely the tax-payers money would much better be benifited in causes of charity or something along those lines. At the end of the day, he is a Prince of England and third-in-line for the throne. He is not some irresponsible teenager who happened to go away for holiday, he is a 27 year old who makes his own decisions and partying in Vegas, I do not think was the best one.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 10:06pm
  • If I wasn't happily in a relationship with a lil bumpkin on the way, I might take a chance on Harry...okay stop. Honestly when I ever hear about Prince Harry, it's funny. He really reminds me of Daphne Reynolds from What A Girl Wants lol. Just crazy and not really afraid to get dirty apparently. Not all of his life should be scolded, since he has contributed something to the table like his military career. I don't think he's a bad person at all, he seems like he genuinely likes to have fun. And if he were king, I'd rather have someone who was chill, then someone who tried to take away our last bits of freedom that government has taken away so far. What amazes me is that in the pictures he looks like any ordinary person in Vegas having a good time. Had it not been for the media blowing it out of proportion, like they do EVERYTHING, I think wouldn't be so bad and I'm sure those were not his intentions to blatantly post pictures of himself like that. Can you imagine it, partying with the king? Cause I very well can picture Harry still doing these things even if king ha. Obviously no one cares that much if he hasn't been banned from anything yet. As much crap as he's pulled, he's still royalty so yeah. Even if he may be reprimanded on his military rank for this...
    August 23rd, 2012 at 09:37pm
  • @ Painted Smiles
    Hey I saw your comment. I was wondering if you know that this prince actually uses people's tax money for his holidays. That's why people care. Then of course Hollywood is probably behind glorifying the whole thing to make it even more stupid. People should care that someone that might use their resources is doing stupid things. He's kind of a liability. He keeps using money. He is making the countries this monarchy rules look stupid because he is the one who might rule them eventually. And he is without shame.

    I see what you mean about people not needing to care, but honestly, he's not a celebrity off acting, he actually has access to people's money, to the laws, to the respect of a country. He might rule some countries. Make stupid laws. Leave people to die without resources while he runs off and wastes his time.

    Just another point of view, although not much because it's a mibba comment. I hope you get what I mean.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 09:22pm