Double Standards for Hollywood - Comments

  • LookingForSophie

    LookingForSophie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @Robin 'The Sidekick' He didn't go to jail because it happened in England where is was perfectly legal. Once you turn 16 you can be in a relationship with whoever you want. You are even allowed to marry with parents permission.
    November 20th, 2012 at 01:01am
  • Robin 'The Sidekick'

    Robin 'The Sidekick' (100)

    Dominican Republic
    Beautifully written. I have to say, I agree 100% with this article. When I heard about the 16 year old marrying an older man who so happened to be famous, I was shocked. But when looking at her pictures I realized that she actually looked like she was in her mid-twenties. And perhaps he didn't know her actual age, I don't know. But it does scare me to see these kinds of relationships. You never know what goes on behind closed doors. You never know if the teacher is threatening the person or if the student himself/herself is the cause to this.

    And maybe that's not even the case. The person can be some guy/girl they met and there can be that age gap. Kids go to jail when they're 18 for going out with a 16 year old. I don't understand how this never went to court or something. It really is scary.
    November 19th, 2012 at 04:28pm
  • GlasgowXsmile

    GlasgowXsmile (100)

    United States
    @Audrey T

    I'm glad you get what I am trying to say now, because before you did not. I did say MTV one was BS and I didn't know any of the real websites was what they were and I don't agree with that abstinence thing, because lol as we've seen it doesn't work. I didn't do real research on the fact of the matter is that wasn't what I was trying to say in the first place but there was a real study (And it was only one.So think whatever you would like.)
    November 19th, 2012 at 05:02am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ GlasgowXsmile

    I get what you're trying to say, but the sources you've given aren't exactly reliable - one is MTV, the second is a Christian organization (they're generally known to push a "abstinence works!" stance) and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (who partners with MTV officials). All three sources are pretty biased.

    Also, the article doesn't actually say that 16 and Pregnant is the reason for a decline in teen pregnancy - not with facts, just the opinions of those biased folks.

    What it gives is two statements:

    1. 82% of teens (who watch the show) say the show helped them to understand the hardships of being a teen parent
    2. Birthrates from teen parents in 2009 is less than it was in previous years.

    The information is coming from a poll taken by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and they only questioned 1008 teens, all of which are fans of the show.

    The only information in that article which can be trusted is the information from the CDC.

    The article(s) is trying to mislead readers into thinking that something as official as the CDC (whose statistics come from the actual number of children born to teen parents in this country) is crediting the show to the decline in teen pregnancy. That isn't true. The CDC does NOT credit the show for decline in teen pregnancy. National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (who polled a very small number of teens, all of which are fans of the show) are the ones endorsing the show.
    November 19th, 2012 at 04:57am
  • charming.

    charming. (135)

    "Grooming" is actually something that paedophiles do. It's a method of predation. And where an adult who desires a sexual relationship with a minor tries to ingratiate themself in the child's life to that end, I don't see it as a particularly unfair suggestion.
    November 19th, 2012 at 04:33am
  • GlasgowXsmile

    GlasgowXsmile (100)

    United States
    @ Audrey T @Careless Whisper.

    Well....I never said studies have been because of 16 & Pregnant, I said "I give it to 16 & Pregnant" which is MY personal opinion but lol. I just said that there is other factors into teenagers having kids, I think blaming everything on tv and tv shows is really tedious and goes way into a blurry line into Million Moms, or Right Wing views since they like to blame anything but themselves.

    Sadly since I can't find the website that gives credit but I'll give you the Mtv link (I know MTV wow but it gives credit to the original article.) which says it here " According to a new government study, U.S. teen birthrates plunged dramatically in 2009 after a five percent increase from 2005 to 2007. And a report by National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy recognizes "16 and Pregnant," specifying that 82 percent of teenagers credit the hit show in helping them understand the challenges that come with unexpected parenthood." (also stated here the same line as above but with more detail

    (Here is the website saying No that it isn't a negative impact on teens.

    I don't know if I was clear (Apparently I wasn't.)

    Sadly a lot of high schools don't have sex education still, and barely talk about it. I have young brothers and they haven't reached on the subject yet and he's almost already in high school and I live in NJ. There is still a lot of untouched ground, I don't know what has stopped kids from being stupid but I am glad for it but like I said above if you're going to place the blame on Teen Mom and 16 & pregnant I think that is ridiculous because kids were having sex with out condoms way before the show and clearly it shows that in studies.

    Hell, I don't even like the show I watch it from time to time but to ignore that this show is helping teens (Who are mostly the people watching MTV) think before they act is just foolish. I am not saying give all the credit to Teen Mom and shows like that, I am saying give some credit to it, which a lot of people have. Sex Education in school doesn't always happen, but sex education is the best and I think the internet helps out a lot as well.
    November 19th, 2012 at 04:07am
  • Careless Whisper.

    Careless Whisper. (310)

    United States
    Yeah, I agree with Audrey. 16 and Pregnant might not encourage teen pregnancy (though it is foolish to assume that it's not negatively influenced at least a handful of the more naïve teenage population to attempt to get pregnant in hopes of being on the show or one similar), but I highly doubt it has discouraged that many either. Teenagers who want to have sex are going to have sex, that's just a fact. And sadly, a lot of them don't have the resources to prevent becoming pregnant (or they're just too scared or embarrassed to attempt).

    I think if anything, sex education in schools and the availably of preventative measures to high schoolers are far more responsible for the decline in teen pregnancy. Though I'm sure it's possible the show may have helped a few in such areas, but saying that it's a big factor in the statistics isn't plausible.

    That said, I hate this "blame it all on the parents" thing. Yes, they do have a large part in letting their child marry a man so much older than her, but to say that the media doesn't glamorize it to some degree is ignorant. Their so called "love" for one another shouldn't be the main topic here. It should be how to prevent other children (because 15 is a child) from falling into similar circumstances and what to do if you even suspect that someone you know is a victim of the same crime (and it is a crime, though the consequences should be more severe).
    November 18th, 2012 at 07:16pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    @ GlasgowXsmile

    What study shows that teen pregnancy has decreased because of the show "16 and Pregnant"? That's pretty doubtful. More likely its a result of better sex education and availability of birth control.

    I think "giving it to 16 and Pregnant" is giving much more credit than due.
    November 18th, 2012 at 03:49pm
  • Across 5 Oceans

    Across 5 Oceans (100)

    United States
    They're not glamorizing it. It happens all the time. I have a friend who married someone 25 years older than her after just knowing him for 3 months. And I still think it's gross and creepy. Plus she didn't tell anyone she done it. I think it's awkward and creepy celebrity or not
    November 18th, 2012 at 03:25pm
  • GlasgowXsmile

    GlasgowXsmile (100)

    United States
    @Ashleeinwonderland Yeah but there has been plenty of studies that show that teen pregnancy decreased and I give it to 16 and Pregnant. It's been the lowest it's been in 40 years. There will always be ratchet kids out there and that's due to their surroundings and that is a whole another topic and not really the majority of viewers of 16 & Pregnant.
    November 18th, 2012 at 06:36am
  • Sara_K

    Sara_K (100)

    United States
    Sorry, but I don't buy this whole "maybe they're really in love" thing. What does a 30-year-old want with a 16-year-old, honestly? I know there are certain "exceptions," but for the most part a 16-year-old isn't mature, and certainly doesn't want the same things from a relationship that a 30-year-old wants.
    November 18th, 2012 at 04:04am
  • ashleeinwonderland

    ashleeinwonderland (860)

    United Kingdom
    Just thought I should say, I don't actually think that any of the relationships are necessarily wrong. I just had to write this for an opinion piece for uni. Also with the '16 and Pregnant' thing, there are actually 16 year olds that want children just because of that show, therefore it is influencing young girls.
    November 18th, 2012 at 01:59am
  • GlasgowXsmile

    GlasgowXsmile (100)

    United States
    I don't agree with the Teen Mom comment, and it says a lot about Courtney's parents more than anything. Sure, I don't agree with it and I think her parents really needed to look at her life and choices but honestly Courtney is loving the attention she is getting with this. There is a differences with Stammers and Forrest just like @SeanSmithSucks said, that was a teacher and student relationship. Clearly her parents do not approve of the relationship and the young girl is missing. You just compared apples and oranges to be honest.

    Even though I still find the relationship between Courtney and that dude creepy as hell.
    November 18th, 2012 at 12:53am
  • GGGG.

    GGGG. (150)

    United States
    When I was sixteen, I worked with a 30 year old who liked texting me. I thought it was really cool talking to a guy twice my age. One night he offered to bring me home and... well, I wound up quitting my job and going to lots and lots of therapy. Always proceed with caution. I no longer trust the intentions of older men.
    November 17th, 2012 at 11:36pm
  • LookingForSophie

    LookingForSophie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @Rick Grimes In England though it doesn't even matter because you are allowed to have sex from the age of 16 and allowed to marry with parents permission.

    But I agree I don't see how Teen Mom or 16 and pregnant glamorize it? I mean watching that show actually puts a lot of people off having kids at such a young age, it shows that it's hard and causes most relationships to fall through.

    Anyway who is to say that they aren't in love? My aunt met her husband when she was only 16 and he was in his 30's and they are still together now and have two children. I've never met a happier couple.

    The difference with Stammers and Forrest was he was her teacher and he had authority over her, and she was still underage. Courtney on the other hand was of legal age and there was no problem.
    November 17th, 2012 at 11:02pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    They're not glamourizing anything. Teen mom and 16 and Pregnant are showing your the REAL LIFE struggles of a teen parent. Trust me, I don't have near as much drama but it's extremely hard to raise a kid on your own.

    As for the teen marrying the 30 year old, if he parents allowed it, is it really speaking badly on the girl? Her parents had to sign a consent form for her get married to him, they could have had him arrested but only if they had proof they were having sex. That is the only way.
    November 17th, 2012 at 10:25pm