The Life of a Musician - Comments

  • Archives of Pain

    Archives of Pain (255)

    United States
    @ VirgoAhtmah
    I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I just haven't really had time to properly read your comment until now. I don't know Adam Gontier personally, but what I was basing my opinions on was what both he and Three Days Grace released through their official channels. It's really a shame that a place where a lot of teens were hanging out and a place that were musicians became a drug hot spot. I've seen too many people's lives ruined because of drugs. I have listened to some of your music. It's good. It's not really my taste. I hope you do have the chance to make a career as a musician.
    May 30th, 2013 at 07:07am
  • Volleyball. Freak

    Volleyball. Freak (100)

    United States
    I can completely relate to this. People honestly don't realize all the hours of hard work and dedication that goes into being a musician, especially if you're teaching yourself. I play French horn in my school's band and teach myself piano, and it is not easy-practicing for hours on end, waking up at dawn for competitions. Really appreciate this article and can relate to it in more ways than one.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 03:56am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Amen to this. I don't think some people realise how much work goes into being a musician, good or otherwise. I spent years practising my playing skills and got laughed at for it. I played trumpet throughout secondary school (and for my last year of primary school too) and was slagged off constantly. When I said I was going to university to do music, I got laughed at even more. People keep telling me to do a 'worthwhile' degree, which really hurts. I even had someone say that they could do what I do in their sleep. I'd like to see them try. My degree is worthwhile and it's a lot more difficult than a lot of people make it out to be. Music ins't just a 'joke subject'.

    Everything in this is so accurate though. I played in high-school brass/jazz/soul/concert bands for years and the stress it puts on you is unbearable. I don't think that's shown enough nowadays. A lot of the kids in my school took music for a laugh, and that really makes me sad because music is very important to me, both the theory and the playing side. The course I'm doing actually looks at the funding cuts and the psychology behind 'popular' music, so I know quite a bit about this. I just think it's a shame that others don't understand and laugh. It's a serious profession and it takes about as much talent and skill as becoming a lawyer or a doctor has, or maybe even more. Those skills can be taught. In my opinion, becoming a good musician takes an equal amount f talent and teaching. It takes a special kind of person to stick at becoming a musician.

    But yeah, great article. It's fab to see people writing about this sort of thing on here!
    March 12th, 2013 at 03:20pm
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    I'm not a musician, but as a painter, I relate to what you say in the article: hours of practicing, learning about techniques and color gradients and looking at my finished drawings or paintings and seeing the mistakes I made and correct them.

    I really like your article and you're also talented as a writer :)
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:17pm
  • VirgoAhtmah

    VirgoAhtmah (100)

    United States
    I like your Article, its very Impressive. I am a Musician myself and I can relate to much of what you said here in this Article.

    I unlike you though was Self-Taught, and never went to any School Ensembles or even attended HighSchool.

    Because I am Dyslexic and where I live and because I was Bullied in every School I went to here where I live in New Mexico thats why at the age of 8 I was taken out of school by my parents because schools here do nothing to help kids with their Dyslexia let alone do anything bout Bullying. I was Homeschooled since I was 8 till I was bout 15 then I went to College when I was 15 with my father and from 15 to 18 I went to two Colleges here in Northern New Mexico. First Northern New Mexico College then Santa Fe Community College. I took various classes but never Music because I was Self Taught and I'll explain why.

    You see I grew up listening to music, a lot of music, mainly stuff like Stevie Ray Vaughn then onto Jimi Hendrix and many others. But then lost Respect for Hendrix after I knew how badly he treated women.

    I learned how to play the Guitar by reading Tablature….and for hours upon hours I sat there with my Guitar and the few effects and one Amp I had and learned very complicated Riffs, Scales and Techniques. I was 12 and a half at this time.

    I started playing when I was 12 and a half And I have been playing for almost 7 years now. It will be 7 years exactly on November 1st 2013.

    Although I'm not as smart as some people in Music, I do know how to play, I know what Scales, Riffs, and Chords mean. I never knew what Keys were tho till I was bout 16…Pathetic I know…and I had been playing for years by that time. I never knew what Key the Songs I was playing were in till I was 16 or even the Hundreds of Songs I had made and recorded all by myself since I was 15. I had never Released Much of these songs and never thought I would or could Publish an Album but I did.

    On January 30th of this Year I Released my First Album that I Recorded, Edited, Mixed and Mastered all by Myself in my own Room using Logic Pro 9. Although so far the Album has been a Commercial Bomb and I have sold very little copies of the Album…I am not giving up. I am just very unknown like many struggling musicians out there who are releasing Albums trying to get known.

    I'm an Indie Musician and Artist.

    I play pretty much any Genre of Music out there. There is very few Genres of Music I don't like…but the Genres I don't like are mainly just Screamo, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, and most all Country Music. I still till this day can only stand one Country Musician and thats John Denver. But I do not Disrespect other people's tastes in Music even if I hate it myself I think others have a right to like it or play it.

    The Genres I play are everything from New Wave, Punk, Alternative, Alternative Rock, Space Rock, Blues/Rock, Jazz, Jazz Fusion and what I call I guess ''Middle-eastern Rock'' by meaning Rock-ish music that sounds much like music from the Middle East….such as Pakistan, Egypt, India, etc.

    My Album that I Released is called ''The Future Ahead'' and the Artist name I go by is: Ahtmah Khalsa. You can find my Album on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Rhapsody, Slacker Radio's Website, and many many more. Just go to my youtube Channel and on the Right hand side of my Channel you can find all of the places where my Album is currently Available at.

    This is my Youtube Channel:

    LOL yeah the Metronomes and Drones can be a pain when you are trying to keep in Rhythm with Songs sometimes. But I must say that I never use Metronomes. And I don't because I have perfect Rhythm….Its funny but when I started using a Metronome I Realized I didn't need it what so ever cus I already knew what Rhythm to keep whenever practicing Songs.

    Just like how I don't use Tuners….Strange I know right? Well I don't because I have Perfect Pitch. And I must say no offense but even the Tuners are not right sometimes. I'm not saying I am the Best at Tuning Guitars or even the Greatest cus I am not cus there is always someone out there who will be better then me…be it at tuning guitars or playing the Guitar itself.

    I was shy for many years and isolated myself from people which made me very unhappy and depressed. I was a bit of a loner but I ain't that anymore.

    I never once played in front of a crowd of people for years and never played at any Open Mic Nights or Shows or anything until I was 16.

    It was when I was 16, that a friend of mine at the time named Etude (Who is no longer my friend and hasn't been since January of 2012 because he lost himself in Anger, Drugs and being just messed up and Disrespectful to me and my dad) introduced me to a Teen Center called Warehouse21 that is very well known here in the U.S. in Santa Fe New Mexico.

    At first I was hesitant to come inside, the whole place kind of sparked off a bad vibe to me. But I went in and socialized with the few people who were there at the time. It was mother's day…Exactly May 5th of 2011. So anyway Etude asked one of the two women who run Warehouse21 named Anna Reindhart if I could play in their Concert Hall and she said yes. So me and Etude went into the Parking Lot of W21 where my dad's car was parked and I took my Guitar, Amp and Effects and he helped Carry them into the Concert Hall. Everyone Seemed Friendly and they were even helping me and Etude Setup. The few people who were there watched me Play and they all Enjoyed it. Then after a few hours passed two kids my age there came and brought their acoustic Guitars and we all started to play. Random things but just started playing. Then me and my friend Etude had to get home and left….Before we all left…he told me to come back there for their Open Mic Night on Wednesday, and I did.

    So it was Wednesday, my very first Open Mic Night at Warehouse21 ever. I was Shy and a little Nervous because there were more people there…to be exact teenagers my age…younger and older there. So I Played….And everyone Song I Played they all enjoyed…everyone clapped. And the Last Song I played when I ended it I kind of got into that ego state of mind and jumped of the stage acting like I was a Rock Star. When I jumped nothing bad happened so at least that was good :P

    I read some Poems too cus I write them still till this day and they all liked it.

    After that I kept going to Open Mics every Wednesday….I broke kind of a Record there by being the first person to attend so many Open Mic Nights every Wednesday. Over the year and a half I spent there I think I only missed 2 or 3 Open Mic Nights…thats bout it tho.

    I was still unknown but playing there got me exposure and thats what I wanted on top of just loving playing.

    It took me a year and a half of playing at Warehouse21 to get over my stage freight but I got over it…and I no longer have it because of playing there….thats probably the only good thing I am gonna tell you that W21 did for me…because everything else I am about to tell you is gonna make them look real bad…but its the Truth and you should know this so you will not have to go thru what I went thru to know how Corrupt, and just straight up Evil W21 Truly is.

    I kind of knew I never fit into the Crowd when I was at W21….Although I tried many times and made many friends…very few were good and true people…many of them were back stabbing, fake, and full of themselves. I never went to High-school and never really saw these types of kids in College so it kind of Woke me up to how Stereotypical and Fake Girls and Boys of my Generation can be. Good thing bout being there round these type of people and being exposed to their Bullshit was that I Woke Up to the Reality of why these kids were the way they were….The Sluts, The Airheads, The Outcasts, W21 is the breeding Ground for all of them….and thats not necessarily a good thing either. I liked the fact for a year and a half that the people who were running W21 were providing a Safe Place for these kids where they couldn't get loaded, do drugs or drink but then I had a Rude Awakening and Realized that they actually allowed kids or anyone for that matter there even still till this day to do drugs and get loaded and drink or sell drugs in their bathrooms and in their Parking Lot.

    I had a lot of Faith in Warehouse21 for a year and a half and was blind and dumb for a long time to how Corrupt they really were. And I must say I won't go thru the same Experiences I had to go thru with them again…but I am glad I went thru them because if I hadn't then I would not be able to tell you here now the Truth and others the same so they will not have to go thru the same shit I did with them.

    I had been asked by teenagers my age there…older and younger to do drugs with them or get loaded…even way before I found out what Big Cover Up Warehouse21 was hiding.

    I kept going to Open Mic Nights like I said…but in December of 2011 a Real Asshole came in…and this was a Sign of things getting worse…and they did but only slowly. This Asshole is a Singer and Multi Instrumentalist like myself named Alix Monosterio. He is the Biggest Asshole out there who thinks he is a True Musician but isn't pardon my French. He is Egotistical, Arrogant, a Bully, Selfish, and a Spoiled Brat of two Rich Parents who are messed up enough to let him drink underage since he was a child till this day.

    Alix is 18 years old like me too.

    I kind of knew Alix was a Fake and a Joke the first night he stepped into the Concert Hall at W21 and I first met him in December of 2011. Acting like he is ''All That'' and better then everyone else when he isn't.

    This guy was so popular at Warehouse21 that he got pretty much laid every night by a girl who was pretty….this guy would have 2 to 3 girls on him at a time walking with him and kissing him too. And this guy is not Attractive…he is ugly as fuck excuse my language. And here he had these Hot and I just mean damn Gorgeous Girls all over him. They were your typical Sluts and Groupies tho so I was never Impressed.

    Although I am a Musician, I never followed the Lifestyle of one.

    I've never done drugs, drank, smoked cigarettes or anything in my whole life because my mother was an abusive alcoholic and my dad taught me right and was the only Clean and Responsible Parent in my entire life.

    W21 was more of a Popularity Game then anything and frankly not only was I under valued as a Guitarist and a Singer but so were many others.

    Alix was Valued Highly and he still till this day is he Biggest Prick and Bully I have ever met.

    But you know what they say…What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger…and what I went thru at W21 only made me Stronger, Smarter, and more Confident in myself and finally Realizing who I am…instead of doubting myself and not knowing who or what I should be or Stand for.

    I was very disappointed in W21, and I became more disappointed over time but still hung in there and did my thing. Being Social, Making Friends, and Befriending friends I made too. But I will tell you this, I only befriended people cus they back stabbed me, treated me like crap or used me or talked behind my back and were just plain crazy. Although the ones I befriended were assholes I must say Drugs and Alcohol made them worse. And this is coming from a guy who still has friends who drink and do drugs…but they unlike the people I befriended are not assholes and have Loyalty, Respect and would and did Stand Up for me every Chance they got.

    There were times when I got Harassed and Bullied and Judged by people there cus I didn't follow in the Crowd of drinking or doing drugs or going to parties like them. Even my own friends at the time were trying to get me to do this shit….friends I still am friends with today…but I never once did any of that and I never will.

    When I did a few Open Mic Nights…I was laughed at and not Supported by some Real Pricks there…Alix being among them….This is when I didn't know how to sing but still it was mean and not right and that was not the Modo of Open Mics or W21. Listen, even when I know people played terribly and sang terribly worse then even me until I got good had everyone in the Audience clapped for them….Cus it was that much of a Support System….and that was the Support System of the kids at W21…not W21 itself.

    After being there at W21 for a long time….Because the two other kids who did Open Mic Nights were so not on Schedule and just Rigid and unreliable as hell….they picked me and asked me to do Open Mic Nights for them…and I gladly did so. I was (Without ego being enjoyed) The Most Practical, Efficient and Best MC for Open Mic Nights that they were had. That is why…after a year of being there and knowing the main people who worked there and ran it etc. I got a Summer Job in May of 2012 that was suppose to last all Summer and got Hired as the Official MC for Open Mic Nights at W21.

    I made Flyers and starting Posting them all around the City of Santa Fe and spreading the word, doing my job and getting paid $60 a month at this time I think at this time which wasn't great but I still Loved my job and that is why I did it.

    Then, I realized towards the violent and brutal end with W21 why people were not coming to W21 not only for Open Mic Nights but many other things. It was because the whole City knew and all of these parents knew that W21 was a haven for Drugs and hiding it and not really anyone warned me or told me either. I had to learn the hard way. Only one kid told me who used to be my friend but is no longer my friend because he stabbed me in the back, and defended 3 girls I had known and met and were my friends for a long time at W21 who later on ended up using me and bullying me and spreading lies and rumors about me when I did nothing wrong to them….and he defended them bullying me full well knowing I was Right and they were Wrong. He told me that one time when he was at W21 that he was with a group of his friends and they were dealing drugs in the parking lot….I kept cynical for a long time bout these things even tho myself I knew they were going on. His name is August.

    One time, back in December of 2011 when I was playing an Open Mic Night…a kid Overdosed from Heroin 1 foot away from my Car. W21 didn't want publicity so we were told to say nothing and said nothing. They did call an ambulance and I saw them take him in the ambulance but you see this is the shady and true way W21 works. They won't stop kids or anyone for that matter overdosing, doing drugs, having sex in their bathrooms, selling drugs in their parking lots or bathrooms or getting wasted on booze but they will call an ambulance or something or make up lies saying they will do something when they don't to stop these types of things from happening. And they will allow Drugs and Drug Dealings and People drinking but just not in Plain Sight so they don't get publicity.

    I lost a lot of Respect for Anna Reidnhart after in July of 2011 I Presented to her a Drug/Alcohol Rehab Program that me and my father created that would have served the Purpose of Helping and Curing Troubled Teenagers of their Addictions but she refused me to have it there and Politician'd me with Lies. Don't you think it is kind of suspicious when you are a Teen Center and your Modo and Sign Says ''No Drugs, No Alcohol, No Violence, No Kidding'' yet don't accept a Rehab Program that could help teenagers get Clean? I do. Then Ana Rose…the Music Manager and Co-Head of Warehouse21 let me have the Program there behind Anna's back but Not Ana nor Anna cared to promote this for teenagers on their website or anything of the such. So I set everything up for the Program one night…and yep you guessed it no one came. Know why? Cus W21 doesn't care…thats why.

    After that I gave up on doing the Program with W21 completely and never even tried to have a meeting there again.

    One time…In January of 2012….I had met a Samoan Girl I fell in love with….and she was in Love with me too….but I soon realized how she didn't Love me and was with some other guy….on top of that….later on I found out that her and another girl I was in Love with but no longer loved after I found out she cheated on her BF more then once and was selling herself for sex at W21 to guys for Cocaine cus she is a coke addict. I never fell for her after I found out she had a BF or was that messed up….And her mother works in the Film Industry and has a lot of money too. Her name is Emily Moore….thats the name of the Coke Addict…then there is the Samoan Girl whose name is Lilly. But thankfully I never got romantically involved with either of these girls once cus I never trusted them.

    So what I found out was that Lilly and Emily were caught in the Girls Bathroom of Warehouse21 once snorting Cocaine together in the Girl's Bathroom. This was True and I know it for a Fact….but I also know that Lilly got away scott free and didn't do community service there as she was suppose to and was let off cus she lives in a Teen Shelter but anyone with half a brain could tell you that she was suppose to do community service but didn't. And it was Anna Reindhart that let her off the hook….On top of this…Emily was not allowed back at W21 for 2 months and when she got back she was forced to do community service…and did so.

    You see…not Emily included…Pretty much all of the kids at W21 who were forced to do Community Service were not suppose to be there…I'm talking bout a big 90% of kids who were doing Community Service there that I knew and talked with were conned and back stabbed and forced to do Community service when they never did drugs, drank, or any of that shit either at W21 or somewhere else because they were forced by a court to do community service there.

    My eyes slowly started opening and I really was disgusted by how poorly and irresponsibly W21 was working. I saw so much Injustice….and thats why I finally just said fuck this and Stood Up.

    Its funny…Once before I left Colbie Caillat played at W21…I remember stacks of her Album before you got into the Entrance of the Concert Hall in June of 2012 and she was so damn mean and pushy. She really thought she was something special….and I must say I Love her Music and her Voice but in Real Life she is not Cool at all.

    So to conclude my story here…It was June 2012…I was into bout 3 or 4 weeks officially into my job as MC for Open Mic Nights….And it was the day of Warehouse21's Birthday Party. There were these two Drug Dealers….who I had been suspicious of and not only suspicious of but had seen them there since March on and off and always knew there was something wrong bout them…but it wasn't confirmed they were Drug Dealers till they tried selling my friend at the time who probably still Volunteers for W21 named Chris Pacheco Heroin. And Chris ended up back stabbing me too BTW.

    That same day at the Birthday Party….I caught these two Drug Dealers…the same Drug Dealers who tried to Sell him Heroin…this White Guy with Long Blonde Hair in a Poinytail named Mateo and his African American Girlfriend named Isabella who was bout the same height as him which is around 5'5 selling Drugs to 3 white guys in the Boys Bathroom Upstairs in Warehouse21. I went up there to wash my hands not knowing they were there….I was shocked and ran as fast as I could downstairs then told Chris…they didn't follow me…and then he told me to tell Anna and Ana and I did….they did nothing and I was stalked and was given visual threats by first Isabella then Mateo…then finally Anna talked with them and soon after they left me alone and left W21 immediately…..but then….next time I came back, which would be my last Open Mic Night at W21….My dad is a good guy like me…lets just say we don't take shit from people or let them mess with us or our friends or family…so my dad had some real balls and confronted Mateo and Isabella in the Parking lot of W21 while I was peacefully in the Concert Hall with my Loyal Friend and a good buddy of mine who knew bout the BS from W21 and still stood with me after I left named Will. I didn't know this either till he came in as I was setting up for Open Mic cus it was almost 7 PM and thats usually always when it started.

    Then, as unbelievable and fucked up as this sounds its True….As I was putting all of the Music Equipment Away that W21 had that they use for Open Mic Nights…Ana Rose said to me…A 24 year old women to me a 17 year old kid at a time ''I Think drugs are fucking awesome, although I can't do them anymore because of my body you should do them and you and your dad should be friends with Mateo and Isabella'' I was shocked…and Nodded my head pretending to agree with her then just took my stuff and left.

    I worked my last Job there June 14th and they asked me to Work Concession Stands and I did still believing they would do something when they didn't….things got worse…it was the opening day for the Play ''Rent'' at W21 and my friend who was a Singer in it named Danielle was there too. I sat at the stand….kept selling food and sodas and waters to lots of people…hundreds really. Then Mateo and his friends started harassing my dad…He kept video taping too and fighting back.

    Neither me or my dad punched or hit them cus it was against the rules…and although we would and would not be kicked out if we did….they would have to throw the first punches in order for us to legally if we had to kill them in self defense or beat them up.

    That day…That same very day I found out that Ana Rose really betrayed me and my dad by telling Mateo and Isabella that because my dad confronted them…and also which I did not mention confronted them in the parking lot of W21 while they were in a Car and smoking weed in the Car in the daytime where everyone could see….my dad had the City Guard with him who would check up on things every now and then and would actually do some good named Andrew but because the City of Santa Fe really doesn't care and they don't know how liable they are if someone dies or gets shot and killed at W21…Andrew doesn't have the Authority to Arrest anyone and I repeat anyone at W21 which was not of any help what so ever although I admit he is a Great Guy.

    So…Threats got more heated and I was still working Concession Stands….then this pussy…this friend of our neighborhood Drug Dealers who think they own W21 named Shea Ward got on my case after I confronted Mateo as he walked in and sat down at W21….I told Mateo loudly ''Hey Mateo, I know you are a Drug Dealer'' then he got Defensive and of course like any Drug Dealer who is Guilty would say he wasn't…then Shea Threatened to kill me…and said to me ''Don't Mess with Mateo, he is my Homie, he will fuck you up, I will fuck U up.'' I immediately just laid into him and cussed him out for about 20 minutes or more cus hey you threaten me or my family then I ain't being nice…and I know Martial Arts too…I was bullied a lot as a kid by people like this who weren't drug dealers but dangerous and had to fend for myself.

    After a while Shea shut up….then this guy who works at Warehouse21 who was my friend and I thought so cool cus he was clean and only smoked cigarettes but was trying to quit along with this other girl who works there and is the head of the hoola hooping classes there now named Angie…Started Politician'ing me too like Anna did and Ana did saying that everybody had a long day blah blah blah and that I should calm down or whatever when I was the one and my father was the one being threatened while they stood back and did nothing. So we left…I had told James I'm not losing my job over Drug Dealers…but I did.

    So after that Anna Reindhart was begging me to stay….And I mean begging me…I told her no…and me and my father kept on leaving her raging emails and phone calls then finally something happened…and she said and BTW Politician'd me once again but this time I actually truly thought she was gonna do something…and she said she was gonna do something bout Mateo and Isabella and she said if I wanted to quit I could or if I wanted to take a Week's leaves and me and my father wanted to get our checks from her that were owed to us we could and we did….you see my dad volunteered and did pretty much all of the Stage Work and Building work for the Rent Play…and that was the only thing he had ever done for them. Anna insisted he get paid for it even tho he volunteered to do it for free so he accepted the money. So we left with our checks then I went back and told Anna that Ana told me Drugs were fucking Awesome etc. She said that it was inappropriate and that she would talk with her….I told her if she didn't fire her then more problems would rise…she didn't listen so I left.

    Then….bout a few days later Anna sends me an email trying to get me to negotiate with Mateo and Isabella at a meeting…I was a pissed knowing that at this point she truly didn't care or want to do anything or kick them out…so I told her that either she kick them out and do something bout this mess and start getting security guards that can monitor the bathrooms and the parking lot to stop the drug dealing etc. or I quit. So she did nothing and I quit my job. And I told her I'd go to a meeting with them when they take the drugs they sell to the meeting with them. But yeah I quit.

    That was the hardest decision I ever had to make…but I had to make it. That was my first job ever too.

    Anna was so bad at her job and even tho she is 60 something years old now still does drugs and drinks and hides it…and on top of that was so irresponsible and knew how good and responsible my dad was that she offered him her job as the head of W21….but he didn't take it…and he didn't want to….you know why? Cus that is her Responsibility….sure as hell not his.

    But hey I will tell you this, I was not only harassed by those Drug Dealers and their friends but being harassed out of nowhere by people who were not at W21. And then finally someone did something and the police in December of 2012 arrested one kid of many who harassed me and was threatening me before I left….and thats Zach Monroe….I was glad to see his mug shot and photo in the News Paper here….along with the story of how police found a Machete, Mushrooms and a big bag of Weed in his Car. They also finally said that they are drug dealings not only going on in the Bathrooms of W21 but the Parking Lot too. But what they didn't say was how Ana and Anna covered it all up….but hey the Truth will get out soon and they will be exposed I'm sure…but it won't be by me cus I ain't getting sued over trying to stop this crap. I never alerted the Authorities of their Criminal Activities because I didn't want me or my family to be sued…thats simply why.

    But hey, I moved on….W21 to me was a Dream as a Musician but then was Crushed and I reformed that Dream into better places where people cared.

    I still have all of my videos up on Youtube from all of the Open Mic Nights I played at W21 because for me it stands as an achievement of getting over Stage Freight and growing as a Musician.

    The Biggest Show I ever played at W21 was before I left in June…it was Open Mic Night/Colbie Caillat playing after me…The Concert Hall was Full of 60+ People and they all cheered and clapped and I was introduced…I have to say that was the most exciting Stage Experience I ever had there and probably most positive too….An old man who was in the crowd after the show was over told me that I was a ''Great Guitarist'' and that he sees me in 5 years with my face everywhere and me being famous…maybe it is true…either way I don't care much for Fame…although what he said was encouraging….I am still gonna do what I Love…and never let Popularity or any of that Superficial Crap ever get to me.

    Warehouse21 used to care before Anna Reindhart was hired as head in the 1990s when it first formed. And they did stop drugs and drug dealers and drinking and kicked people out too and even had Guards….but when Anna came in thats when it all went to shit.

    I do believe Warehouse21 can be a Great Place and Safe Place…but only if all of the people who work there now are fired and new and responsible people take their places.

    But now I'm much better and happier….in April I am playing for a very well known and Successful Art Gallery on Canyon in Santa Fe called Beals & Abbatte Fine Art….I am getting paid too….and hopefully by next Summer I will sign up and play for the Santa Fe Band-stand which has been my Dream for a long time.

    But I do not intend in living in New Mexico for much longer….nor does my dad….so hopefully by this year we are moving if we get enough money.

    The Music Scene here in New Mexico is too dead…and I'd rather be in Los Angeles California right now then anything else….Cus I was born there but never Raised there…I was Raised here in NM….but I feel truly at home in L.A. And I've visited L.A. Many times and the Music Scene there is very much Alive and Thriving so soon I will go back and start Exposing myself more to people.

    Sorry if this is so freaking long…but I had to tell you all of this.

    Lastly…I am sorry you have been bullied etc. I know the feeling.

    Also…did you know or were you friends with Adam Gontier of Three Days Grace?

    March 12th, 2013 at 11:12am