Follow the Mainstream. Be Unique.

Follow the Mainstream. Be Unique. i Am TeH rAnDoM
Music is my life
I’m insane
I don’t listen to mainstream music
I have the craziest friends ever!

Sounds familiar? If you’re an internet user, not necessarily an avid one, you’ll most likely say yes. In fact, if you’re alive and have any type of social interaction, you’ll say yes. Think about it for a moment; are we really as unique as we like to believe?

Sadly, uniqueness has become one more trend, one more thing that people strive to achieve. We’re just trying really hard to be different as a way to stand out in this world that we unconsciously fall back to the same place we started from. Now, being and acting against the conventional has become the newest fashion. In fact, acting this way is slowly turning into the “conventional”.

If you don’t believe me, prepare some time just for you and go for a nice hunt through the useful World Wide Web. Sure, you will lose some valuable time but it’s a really enlightening path towards the understanding of this particular subject. Just look around, and I’m pretty sure you will find more than once all the variants of the sentences at the start of this article, maybe exactly the same ones, maybe they’ll have some variants (exchange the word insane with crazy, weird, unique, and so on and so forth) or maybe you’ll have to read more into it but the essence will still be there.

And that’s something that repeats itself even in real life. It all comes to the point that originality has been lost. You try to be different from “group 1” but you’ll end up in “group 2”. You’ll become predictable by trying to be unpredictable.

Believe it or not, right now there’s someone out there with your same “unique” tastes and with a similar group of friends, with your same point of view and the same hatred towards some kind of food. Right now, you’re sharing even the same types of problems. What can you really expect from a world that holds more 6 billion souls all connected through the media?
So there you go, liking Tim Burton’s movies, acting weirdly with your friends in public, saying random things at random moments and claiming not to like anything mainstream isn’t being different anymore.

And so, I ask, is anyone really unique or different?

The answer is yes. Everyone is unique, but not for what they claim to be but for what they are. What they really are. I’m not talking about the music they listen or the clothes they wear, I’m talking about their way of sneezing, the way the walk a little to the left, the way they fall down if they trip, and most importantly, the way they think.

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