Stupidity: The Latest Trend

Stupidity: The Latest Trend I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed this. Or at least suspected it. I've been thinking about this and I've finally decided to say... Stupidity is a growing trend. No, really. If you're smart, you're a nerd. If you're sensible, you're not going to go get drunk and go to parties or waste money on fashionable clothes because you know it's only temporary. So, it's hard to be both popular and smart.

But we all want to fit in. So when you get someone who has a little intelligence who wants to fit in, you have a problem. The solution? Throw away the intelligence. Block it out. Forget it. It's holding you back. See, even if you are actually bright, you act stupid so you don't get caught being smart. Heaven forbid.

Come on, everyone loves to laugh at the naive little idiot who is just so "clumsy". But the stuck-up person who is always right? Few people like or accept that person, even if they aren't really stuck-up.

So people act stupid. It's the oldest cop-out. You want out of trouble, you play dumb. The same thing applies here.

It's so much harder to be a reasonable person. It's hard to make high grades and have a wide vocabulary. I'm not going to say it's easy. It requires effort, and most people don't like that. It's popular to make bad grades.

The genius is society's outcast. The mad scientist, the fanatic, the nerd... We praise people in popular bands. "Oh, I love Johnny, he's such an idiot!" "He's so stupid but I that's why I love him!" See where this is going?

It kind of scares me.

But instead of a lunchtable all to myself, I think I'll opt for an 80 on that chemistry quiz.

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