Celebrities Are Just People

Celebrities Are Just People Celebrities. People look up to them, copy them, adore them and read about them every day, but what do they really do for us? Take a footballer for example, he earns millions every year for running around a pitch, kicking a ball and doing goal celebrations, but a firefighter earns a good enough living for going into burning buildings, rescuing children and risking their life.

If the firefighter does something particularly heroic, he may get a small mention in a tabloid newspaper in page 100 or something, but if a footballer is caught doing crack, he gets days of media coverage and page 1 stories all over a range of different newspapers. He is pretty much glorified for the wrong thing he's done and kids learn to look up to the footballer for being good at sports and for being famous but they won't even know about the firefighter.

Another example is a nurse, she goes into her job every single day and helps sick people, cleans old people and assists in medical emergencies and then she goes home and cooks dinner for her kids and spend the night in but a model goes into work for a couple of hours a week and has photos taken of her in various outfits and then goes out to spend $500 on some shoes. She is looked up to by little girls everywhere who think she's like a life sized Barbie and the nurse is looked up to by a young patient who takes a shine to her.

Every celebrity is glorified for the wrong things and little work that they do and have so much disposable income, they could use money as toilet paper, but the working class heroes of our society live out their lives with little gratitude and do everything and anything they can to help people.

Celebrities. Do we need anyone just to be another picture on the news?

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