Verifying Atheism

Verifying Atheism Thom's Law states "Nothing can not produce something. If there was ever a time when there was nothing, there would STILL be nothing".

If this is true, where would a God come from? Everyone says that God created everything, because there's nowhere else it could've come from... Then where did God come from? It makes little sense to say God, which would be something, appeared by nothing.

People have always used religion or stories to explain things they have no answer for. Greeks use Posiden to explain earthquakes; we denied that theory with the theory of tectonic plates. The idea Adam and Eve is occasionally canceled our by evolution.

How do we know all of the ideas in the Bible are necessarily verified? The idea of the devil has been traced to a group of polytheists who contacted some monotheistic nomads, passing the idea to Christianity.

There are ideas that are generally just hypocritical.

God is all-loving, but if you don't do as he says, he gives you ultimate punishment in hell for the rest of eternity. He is all-loving, but there's so much suffering on Earth.

God is omnipotent, so he could create a problem he couldn't solve, but that would make him not omnipotent.

God is all-knowing and also a personal being, having free will. This is not possible because he already knows his decisions, so he doesn't have free will. He can't be an all-knowing and personal being at the same time.

When people attempt to give proof of God, why do they always quote the Bible, rather than using fact and logic? Is it not possible to use fact and logic? What if I disregard everything the Bible says and ask for fact? Can it be provided?

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

Contemporary science although not absolutely certain on exactly when has confirmed that the universe did in fact have a beginning with what is known as “The Big Bang.”...

This is the counter argument I found. Arguing with a passage from a book that could easily be fiction is somewhat ridiculous, considering they argue against someone who believes it is just that. Everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to, as neither theory is completely confirmed, there is scientific evidence behind the Big Bang.

The Bible says, “He stretches out the north over empty space. He hangs the earth on nothing.” (Job 26:7) Perhaps only divine revelation could account for the Bible’s accuracy in detailing these and other facts about our universe far in advance of us developing the technology to verify such assertions.

I argue that this is not necessarily true, because Twilight by Stephanie Meyer gives a rather vivid description of vampires, but it doesn't make them real. If anything, she was more descriptive than the folks who wrote the bible.

I personally do not believe because I tend to over-analyze and need to see a lot of logic to believe in anything. I do not want to believe life is just a test. You may differ, but that's why Americans have the first amendment, and any other freedom that other countries have.

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