Change, How to Deal With It

Change, How to Deal With It Change. It is impossible to avoid. We all experience it, and we all attempt to avoid it. And we fail. We can keep up the facade as long as we can, but for some reason we cannot escape it. We try and we try, and we fail. And sometimes we yearn for it. Our minds are so overwhelmed with one thing that we crave for something different. Sometimes it comes in the form of a whim. Sometimes we want change just to keep things fresh. But fear can arise, and we can only escape fear. Whether the change comes or not, only the fear can be rid of. But the change... Well, the change comes in many, many forms.

We all have those little things in life that keep us secured to the ground. Loved ones? Yes, and even daily activities, such as jogging, or blogging. These things are what we look for in our day. And when those things decide to evade us we are stuck expecting something that will not come. So what are we to do? Are we just to wait? What is this thing called, our expectations not being met? Change. A few days ago, I was talking with my best friend and she wanted to talk more often and we both have limited time on the phone, so she insisted that I get AIM. I said, “Alright, I’ll give it a try.” But, I recall a certain ex-friend of mine telling me that AIM would make my computer slow, so I took the liberty to begin deleting computer programs from my control panel. I accidentally deleted my sound driver, and now, I am without sound on my computer.

At first, it didn’t make any difference to me. I didn’t care at first because it was just…sound…right? I thought it couldn’t be that vital. Just look up some information and get a new sound driver. Well, music was absent from those two longest hours of my life. I hated it. I play music constantly and I couldn’t get over the inability to push a button and listen to the soundtrack of my life. But that soundtrack of my life was silent, muted by my stupidity and arrogance. I couldn’t believe that I made such a mistake that night as I lay in bed, listening to my stereo instead of the music on my computer, which I did not have downloaded to a disk yet. The feeling in my stomach reminded me of the emptiness and nervousness I felt under different circumstances in my life. It was change that came so suddenly and that I had no preparation for.

Yes, I know how utterly ridiculous I sound, but my point is that it comes in so many shapes and sizes, and you’ll be amazed what the absence of one little gadget can do to you. Moving is a change. It’s a traumatic change and it affects your personality because your environment, the one you’ve woven into your daily system and schedule of living, has changed. Therefore, so have your daily system and schedule of living. Losing a loved one is a change. Or separation of loved one’s. These all result in environment change, absence of something that you find vital to daily activity.

But, what can it do to your mind? What kind of affect does it have on you? You’re used to doing that thing or seeing that person so much so now that when their gone, you’ve got remodel your cycle completely. It affects your mind, immensely. Your mind begins to expect things as they become routine and then you become accustom to them. And when that thing doesn’t happen you say, “Wait, what now?” Life is like a row of stepping stones. One change is like absence of a stepping stone, and a stepping stone can me missing from the middle or the end. You miss a stepping stone in the middle, and it’s too far to hop to the other stepping stone and you stop you don’t know how to get to the other stone.

So what do you do? It’s not simple. I’d love to say, “Simple, all you have to do is…” and then explain to you what to do. But it’s not. There are too many different circumstances in life. Life is too complicated. You must build a new stepping stone. You cannot jump to the next, you must build another. How do you build a stepping stone? You can’t just build one; it takes time, patience, care, and diligence. When you build a new stepping stone, you’re adjusting with change. You are building something to fill that void. If it’s with the loss of a loved one, you’re building a new stepping stone with memories, or with a divorce it’s adjusting by building a second life.

It can be done. It is done. We cannot stay stranded on that one stone, because there are other people on the other stepping stones that we love and care for. We have to keep moving. We must keep going in order to say that we did, and in order to learn and the next time that change comes we can say, “Yeah, I made it, and I’m in one piece.” We learn throughout life, and we learn by conquering obstacles, and change is just another one. No, I doubt my computer’s absence of sound is going to result in my death, but, it is good practice. All change is practice. Things do happen a reason, or they wouldn’t happen at all.

Change is just another obstacle.

Remember, life is life. It will give you many obstacles. And fate will guide you. PM me if you have the need. Articles can always be dedicated.

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