Gay Marriages

Gay Marriages How would you feel if someone did not let you get married with your one true love? The law does not let gays, lesbians or bisexuals get married; I believe they should. They are people, they are afraid of what others will think, if they come out about their sexual preferences, and how they will be treated by the ‘straight’ people, or even their own friends and family. You could help them, we could help them to get married, with petitions, and strikes, or join the PFLAG or some other homosexual rights group. Some people are activists that support gay marriages, and others that do not because they live back in the past, where being a homosexual would get you killed or worse.

There are laws in every part of the world that says that gays cannot get married and there are others that say that they can. In other countries they let them live in ’partnerships’ like in California.

Religion is another problem. Since religion is often mixed with politics, the laws against homosexual marriages are made because in the Holy Bible, it says that a marriage is between a man and a women, that it is sacred. That God did not create us so we could be with a person from the same sex. And tell me who in the world can say what comes natural to a person. If you fall in love with a person from the same sex, what are you going to do? Forget them? I would not, and I did not. I still believe in God, but I do not think it is fair that just because you're different you can't love. I’m Bi and I still love, I’m normal between my friends and they know. But it's not fair that everyday when get home I have to pretend to my parent that I’m normal. I mean one I asked my mother what would she do if I was a lesbian, and about a month later she come into my room crying asking me if I was one. I wanted to say the truth, but her reaction to the simple little question made me feel bad, and made me think that if I ever tell her she would not love me. And here I am; a girl with a bad relation with my parents.

I'm not saying that religion should change, because I know that the church is never going to change. But at least let them get married though the law. Everybody has love to give, but it is up to us to decide who we express it too. Love is not synchronized. A lot of straight people, do not get married and live together, my parents are one of them; a lot of straight couples just get married for the sex or the money.

We are normal people, we should be treated like humans not like animals. People make such a big deal about us, it is sickening. The only difference is that we like people from the same sex or both that is all, it’s not like we have a sickness called homospeculytis, we won't give you the gay if we touch you. I don’t believe we should alienate ourselves, that's why I came out to my friends. If homo people keep hiding themselves, and who they really are on the inside, they are just going to be miserable for the rest of their life. People should stop treating them differently, that’s normal and you will never really know a person until you stop being a bad one.

I just don't get what the big deal is about GAY marriage.

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