Gay Marriages - Comments

  • Hm.. Well, everyone has really good points. I understand what you people mean about gays being humans and everything, but I still believe being gay is wrong. It's clearly biologically wrong as well, and don't talk about the nerves in your ass being for anal sex because that is obviously not where the penis is supposed to go.
    I would have passed by this article, but it's really annoying to have people talking about the Bible and Christianity when I'm pretty sure they don't read it that often or pray very much. Don't start trying to interpret the Bible in a way that suits your opinions. If you're Christian then you should believe that God made people like he did for a reason, and while he did so he gave them free choice. That does not mean that, because he made people capable of doing things, those things are right. (i.e. a man may be physically capable of sexually assaulting a woman, but just because he *can* do it does not mean it’s right. He could argue that it *feels* right, but that is his opinion, while many people would disagree).
    lol I’m not saying h’s and bi’s are like rape. If you choose to love a person of the same sex then fine, do that, but it’s just not proof enough that it’s right.
    At the same time, to others – people who choose to do this should not be insulted, or looked down on – I have a few gay friends; I don’t support their views, but I can’t change what they feel. I don’t like people ganging up on them either. It’s better to let people feel how they want to feel, and find their own way.
    End of :)
    December 16th, 2008 at 04:19pm
  • being gay IS ABNORMAL!
    its an discrace to human race
    i like the idea of no gays getting married!
    it teaches them a lesson to stop acting this way!
    and just change
    thats what we are supposed to be!
    adam and eve, not adam and steve people!
    listen to ur heart way deep inside, and u will feel that tiny feeling saying that it is wrong.
    December 4th, 2008 at 10:47pm
  • I am "straight", or at least that's how others describe it, and I am a Christian. I also believe in what you're saying in this article. The law has no right whatsoever to ban marriages.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 01:16am
  • I'm a straight Christian, and I don't believe gays are "bad" or "unholy" and all that.
    In fact, I live in a neighborhood mostly composed of gay men.
    You can't control who you love. Who cares if its a man or a woman?
    You should be able to marry whoever you want, regardless of your sexual orientation.
    September 18th, 2008 at 01:01am
  • I don't think that the law has the power to say whether gays can get married in the religion, but I think that the law has bno right whatsoever to prevent a partnership between two people. the bible never said a man and a man could not share property, money or love.

    I personally think that being gay is natures way of keeping the population down. Like...therea re 6 billion people on the world, do we really need anymore?
    I don't think being gay is like...a mental problem either. It''s just the way you are. Like the color of your eyes or the color of your skin.

    If your against gay marriges... don't marry someone of the same sex, and say you are uncomfortable with gay-ness, but don't hurt people who are gay. You can try to "convince" someone to not be gay, but don't try to control their life.

    Like... if it's not your life, not your choice. Let them be lgally together, and in their love... spread the love man

    I liked the article, but it was a bit personal, I think there was more "This is the way I feel" than backup for your point, but otherwse it wasn't bad...keep on writing!
    August 14th, 2008 at 01:06am
  • This article is great!
    I agree with you so much man.
    I'm lucky to have a sister and mother that accept me and just want me to be happy no matter who I'm with.
    I'm bi and I can think about marring a guy and being completely open with it.
    August 7th, 2008 at 07:51pm
  • Thanks for writing such a well written article! I showed this to one of my friends who doesn't understand my relationship and he now realizes how intolerant he was being. I sympathize with the being bisexual and having an issue with parentals. I was dancing with my "best friend" AKA my GIRLFRIEND and my dad said, "I hope she's not gay."

    They don't know and it hurts me to know that so many people in America are so intolerant of people who are not completely straight.

    August 7th, 2008 at 09:09am
  • Frankly, gay marriage should be legal. If 'God' didn't want same sex marriage then (at least for guys) why is that they have a bundle of nerve in their ass that when hit brings them severe pleasure? I'm an Atheist and was bicurious for a while, but I realised that i am straight. I think gay people are awesome really because they are just being themselves and those who come out and are not afraid to admit it are true heroes. I'm afraid to tell my parents that I'm athiest because I don't want them to hate me. One of the people who commented said her mom found out she was bi and now she won't even speak to her own daughter! I mean what the fuck is up with people? Homophobia is gay and gay marriage should be legal. I'm thinking about joining a homosexual rights group when I'm older.
    August 7th, 2008 at 02:42am
  • i agree. love is love. who's it hurting? religion or politics shouldn't dictate the right to love someone.
    August 6th, 2008 at 09:24pm
  • I feel that people should be able to love whoever they want to. I was bicurious for about 8 months, and I'd just gotten this close *holds up fingers really close together* to getting hit by my dad in a fight, and I sat upstairs crying because yelling scares me, and I told my mom what I was.

    Luckily, she accepted it, but she was incredibly shocked. I don't get why parents get so shocked when their kids 'come out'. They should be able to love whoever they want to.

    The same rule applies for religion. Parents don't get it if their kids suddenly proclaim themselves Pagan, Wiccan, Satanist, Atheist, whatever. It's so stupid. People have the right to do whatever they want. Screw the government.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 05:00am
  • I live in sweden, and it's legal here. I wish it would be legal everywhere..
    July 13th, 2008 at 11:26am
  • What is it to them if lez/bi/gays people marries.It's non of the Churches bizness.
    And all those damn christens that hate them for it are a bunch of prejudices.
    What if there kids were gay?Or there best friend?Then they'd probably want to support them for it.
    There is nothing fucking wrong with gay marriage.
    June 29th, 2008 at 03:41am
  • i agree highly.
    im straight but i know of many ppl who let their religion get in the way of people's rights to marry who they so please.
    IM FUCKEN CHRISTIAN TOO and u dont see me going around acting like Gays aren't people too!
    if you love someone, their gender doesn't matter. its what's on the inside that counts...
    besides i dont read the bible because of these kinda things enscripted in it...
    it bothers me...
    June 28th, 2008 at 03:01am
  • i totally agree with this. like the person below me said, how does it hurt straight people if a gay or lesbian couple marry? it doesn't. Also like the person under me, I live in California. Homosexual marriages were recently made legal, and I'm glad. I hope that someday soon the rest of the world will see that homosexuals aren't hurting anyone, and accept them for who they are.
    June 20th, 2008 at 04:51am
  • I live in California, and gay marriage is legal here. I just think that the rest of the world needs to stop butting into the gay/lesbian/bi community's business. I mean, I'm straight, so how does it hurt me if two gay people marry? It doesn't. At all. Actually, gay marriage is supposed to bring some MILLIONS of dollars into the California economy. So its all good in my books. And if it wasn't, it still wouldn't matter.
    June 19th, 2008 at 09:55am
  • Yeah over here in New Jersey we have civil unions. Most people freak out over calling it a marriage because I heard people arguing that the definition of a marriage is a union between a man and a woman. I personally don't care who marries who. People really need to get over this "who is have sex with who" issue and focus on stopping people from executing one another. (Mmm maybe people are also against gay marriage because religions tend to be all about suffering, and feel that marriage is just to procreate. I mean heterosexual sex is still taboo. Man sex is sex who gives a damn! Let people be happy and do whatever they want as long as they're not hurting themselves and others!)
    June 18th, 2008 at 07:56pm
  • i know how you feel about the whole not telling your parents thing.Im bisexual and
    i had to do the same thing. i asked my mom (who i tell EVERYTHING) what she thought about gay people she said that she cannot stand them, god hates them, and if she could she would "go homohitler on their asses" so i was like.. "what would you do to me if i was?? you wouldnt kill me!" and she said "i would kick you out the door and tell the police you ran away" so i kept it a secret until my little brother (who didnt know how my mom felt) got on my myspace and showed it to her that it said bisexual. im living with my dad now and my mom wont even look at me.

    on the religion thing.. i live in the united states, and if im not mistaken we have "freedom of religion" so i dont believe that athiests should have to follow gods word. If athiests dont believe in god then why should they follow religion?? why should they be banned from love because the dont think there is a god. Isnt that kindof like forcing religion on someone?

    im not too sure if that made since.... but now im really scared because i still kindof believe in god and everytime i type the words god or athiest i hear thunder outside...weird?
    June 18th, 2008 at 08:31am
  • i completly support gay marriage but i just haaave to say something about the religion thing.
    whoever wrote this said that the church is never going to change. i completely disagree with that. the church goes through so many huge changes, it just takes longer. examples are the crusades and the times when money was paid to a priest to 'forgive' sins. Sure that was a long time ago, but it was just something that happened with the times. The church goes through 'fads' just like the rest of the world, they just think they don't. I really believe that eventually the church won't care about gay marriage, it might be awhile, but it will happen.
    oh and heres something cool, its already happening. i have a catholic bible that in the back has these little notes things and in one of them it talks about gay marriage and how its ok. most ppl get the idea that the bible doesnt want gay ppl to be together because of one passage in the bible that says something along the lines of 'man shall not commit adultry and sleep with another man'. that part in the bible was literally saying dont commit adultry not dont be with another man. Its just that at the time when the bible was being written sleeping with another man usually meant that you were sleeping with one of the stable boys and cheating on your wife, something which was very common back then. The bible never meant that being with another man was bad, just being with another man when you are already married.

    wow that was a lot longer than i thought haha, oh well it relates to the article and i thought it was interesting
    June 18th, 2008 at 06:44am
  • I think marriage should banned in all ways, not just for gay people. It's a terrible idea.
    June 17th, 2008 at 08:32pm
  • God bless Sweden, it's legal here. (: To follow the bible is pretty fucking stupid, and I believe religion is just another word for brain washing people. You can't build a society on "rules" or "guidelines" or whatever they are, that were written for over 2000 years ago.

    I mean... come on. They didn't even have colour-tv! XP
    June 17th, 2008 at 07:38pm