Clinton Praises Palin

Clinton Praises Palin First and foremost, Bill Clinton is deeply devoted to the Democratic Party. In spite of the fact that he vigorously campaigned for his wife, he has courteously given his support to Obama."We're [He and Hillary] not party-wreckers," he says, "and we believe that the country needs to take a different course."

However, in addition to praising Obama, Clinton has also made several positive comments about the Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. Clinton stated that Palin has good political instincts, and essentially brought enthusiasm to the Republican Party. "I find her an appealing person," says Clinton, "and I think that it's best to say that Sen. McCain looks like he knew what he was doing. He picked somebody who gave him a lot of energy, a lot of support."

He also stated that he thinks Palin helped democrats as well. Clinton said "When the Obama supporters, the Democrats, found out she lights a fire under the right and got McCain more money and more volunteers, then in turn, there was a reaction and Senator Obama started raising more money and getting more volunteers."

While Clinton may be verbally praising Republicans, he will start campaigning for Senator Obama next month. He says he intends "to go to Florida, to Ohio, to northeast Pennsylvania, and to Nevada at a minimum." Potential exists for him to also campaign in his home state of Arkansas.

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