Obama Baby Boom

Obama Baby Boom It's no secret that president elect Barack Obama's supporters have been some of the most passionate in the history of American politics. Now that the election is over, all of that passion seems to be taking on a more reproductive purpose.

Experts who analyze population statistics expect that there is enough excitement among Americans to cause a "baby boom," or a sudden jolt in the birth rate within a country. Baby booms tend to occur after a monumental event within a nation, whether it be good or bad. Pepper Schwartz, a sociologist at Washington University, believes that "hope and euphoria" are two of the best aphrodisiacs, and there is certainly plenty of that going around among Obama's many supporters.

That, combined with the fact that people below the age of thirty are most likely to have children and Obama had their support by a ratio of two to one, is the main reason a baby boom is expected. "The mood of the country and the optimism about leadership is always somewhat related to birth rates. I'm gearing up for a healthy increase," says Dr. Manny Alvarez, Hackensack University Medical Center's Chief of Reproductive Science.

Urban Dictionary has already coined a term for these future children:
Obama Babies" : children "conceived after Obama was proclaimed President, by way of celebratory sex, or any baby born under Barack Obama's term(s)."

In order for something to be officially declared a baby boom, there would need to be a marginal increase in the birth rate. Doing the math, that would mean nine months from the November election, which would be August of 2009, statistics should indicate an increase in the birth rate. This means that over 390,000 babies would have to be conceived to top the 2008 birth rate.

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