Is This the Change We've Been Looking For?

Is This the Change We've Been Looking For? Is this the change we've been looking for?

There have been three presidents over my lifetime, and today, as the age of a fourth is dawning, I felt like it was time for some reflection.

These words will sound strange coming from someone like myself. I'm a born and raised Conservative, middle class, white (though I do not wish to make this a race issue whatsoever, because I honestly think that it should not be a factor at all), female, 18, of Mediterranean and European descent, and a fairly grounded Christian. These factors make me who I am today. But it's taken me quite some time to realize that there are so many issues that I had never considered during the months of campaigning and the resulting election. I would first like to assert the fact that just because I am a Conservative Christian does not mean that I am "narrow-minded." That term greatly offends me, and I would not like to be placed in a category like that. This short, random note will hopefully change the minds of those who think in such stereotypes.

It is obvious that I will not/do not agree with every policy that Obama puts into effect, or every decision that he makes in regard to the economic and social progress of our country. This is simply unavoidable when you have two completely different sets of ideals.

However, just because I did not vote for Obama doesn't mean I can't support him now. Whether I like it or not, he's the man who's going to lead our country for the next four years, and it would be best that everyone as a nation stand behind him. We can but hope that those who did vote for him made the right choice and picked a man who will make careful deliberations over the course of his term so that the country might benefit as a whole and prosper.

Those who supported him during the campaign, they are rejoicing because their voice is being heard.

And the rest of us? We'll pray that he makes it out of his four-year term safe and sound but also having accomplished something that distinguishes his presidency from all those before him. We should not be bitter--the battle for the presidency was a brutal one, and both candidates were worthy and fought valiantly. But someone had to win, and that someone happened to be Obama.

I don't think that this mindset I'm in is ridiculous in any way. What can else can I do? Throw up my arms and shout "Whatever!" and hope that he fails? No matter how much our ideas will clash, he is still a person, and a remarkably motivated one at that, and I would not wish anything horrible on him or anyone else whose goal is to better the country. In my ideal world, party lines would not exist. For one, people wouldn't vote for a candidate based on his or her party affiliation and instead would seriously consider the consequences if the one they vote for is elected. Race would never be a factor, nor would gender. But the world just isn't that easy.

When I look at Barack Obama, I don't see a man with a different color skin than my own. I see optimism--I see an honest man (well, as honest as those politicians can get) whose sole aim has become that of protecting the nation that we call home. And yes, though he is making progress for his race, I do wish that that would not be the main focus. Shouldn't his policy matter the most?

I know almost nothing about his political ideals, short of lumping him together with the stereotypical policies of the Democratic Party. Unfortunately I've abstained from examining most current political issues--that sort of thing simply isn't my forte. But from what I've gathered, Obama seems like a sound, intelligent, and inspired person who not only believes that the quality of America can improve, but that he himself is the man to start the vehicle of progress. If he believes he is up to the challenge, then, I feel we should let him prove his worthiness. This term will be his opportunity. If he fails, well... we can thank him for trying and hope that the next President makes an effort just as valiant as Obama has promised he will. It's just how things are.

In other words? He's got me starting to think that his supercharged optimism is a good thing. Hopefully his four years will encompass the spirit of his campaign slogan: "Yes we can." The best wishes to President Obama-- I pray that he will bring about the fresh outlook and drastic change to the nation just as he has promised.

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