Obama Checks Out Teenager?

Obama Checks Out Teenager? Pictures are said to tell a thousand words, and the photograph of President Obama allegedly checking out the behind of a 17-year-old Brazilian girl certainly looks compromising.

The image in question was taken by Reuters photographer Jason Reed. At first glance, it seems to show both Obama and giving the junior delegate a once-over, with French President Nicolas Sarkozy leering on the side. Neither Obama nor Sarkozy have made comment on these reports.

The teenager in question was identified as Mayara Tavares, a social activist for the rights of children and adolescents in her community. She was attending the G-8 summit in Italy, and has risen to fame overnight due to the scandalous image.

Michele McGinty from BeliefNet described the American president as “a bit of a pig”, and stated she was “a little disappointed.”

While the photo appears incriminating, it is in fact a frame from a video clip now broadcasted on ABC’s website. It is argued that Obama was merely watching his step as he descended, turning to help the woman to his right down the stairs. The picture is completely innocent, so it said. Sarkozy, on the other hand, has no such explanations.

Was President Obama really staring at her backside? And why do we even care?

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