Vote Tory, Vote Recession - Comments

  • Roland Of Gilead

    Roland Of Gilead (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Actually i think you are missing the major asset with the Liberal Democrats arsenal, particularly when it comes to the economy. You say Cameron is the only person you can trust when it comes to the economy but it is George Osborne who will be placed in charge of the Economy and like Alistair Darling i very much fear he will have little or no impact. As it is written "George Osborne will be on work experience as Chancellor of the Exchequer" he has little experience and will prove rather poor in the position and we may sink further into the deficit as a result. The best choice for this position is without a doubt Vince Cable, the Lib Dem shadow Chancellor. Cable actually studied Economics at university while Osborne studied Modern History. Cable then worked with the Kenyan government helping it set up its first real economy. Now we have to hope that whichever party the Lib Dems form a coalition with that it is an official pact, whether it be Lib-Lab or Lib-Con we must hope that Cable becomes Chancellor.
    Also a quick note on the common blaming of Labour for the recession. while it is true they have made some mistakes in overspending and being too lenient on banks the recession is global and really has little to do with Labour. they could have dealt with it better and cut the huge deficit we must now face but the crisis started on Wall street and spread throughout the whole world Labour could not have stopped it so blaming them is incorrect. We have to hope we can keep our heads above the rapidly mounting tide of debt and swim out the worst of it.

    Thats a basic comment anyway :P
    May 10th, 2010 at 12:37am
  • MaxPower

    MaxPower (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think 'trust' when talking about Cameron is a little strong. I don't trust the Conservatives at all. Yes, we need cuts in the long run, but as we were told in a history lesson about The Great Depression in America, the government needs to spend money to get the economy going again. Lessons from history (not our lesson, actual history) should be heeded.
    May 9th, 2010 at 07:03pm
  • Jericho.

    Jericho. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    But what you're forgetting is that we're in recession because of Labour systematically destroying our economy. We need to make these cuts-they're inevitable. We know they'll be another recession if we're going to pay off our debts, it's a price we're willing to pay. Given Labour's record and the fact the Lib Dems have no policies on the economy at all, the only one you can trust is Cameron.
    May 9th, 2010 at 03:27pm