Save Our Schools!

Save Our Schools! The United States' educational system has serious issues. No one can deny that fact. The majority of these problems stem from the lack of funding that the government? has allotted schools. A solution to this dire situation is to increase the amount of financial support for public schools.

Every newspaper that one would pick up has at least one article about the dwindling money for schools. In some states, cities are closing more than 40% of it's school buildings. This means that teachers will lose jobs and students will either have to travel to attend or they will lose out on education completely. This is relevant because not all children will be able to make it to schools that are further away. Some students will end up dropping out entirely and one will see them serving fries at McDonalds'. The US spends roughly $9,800 annually on every public school student. Though this seems like a relatively high number, wealthier families are sending their children to private schools for around $35,000. Private school students receive better education, because class numbers are smaller and teachers can spend more one-on-one time with children that need help. America is the wealthiest country in the world, but still students are not receiving the help and special attention they deserve. The government needs to increase budgets for schools or else the Us will surely become the most ignorant country on this Earth.

Dedicating more money to the public school system would greatly help matters. There is a connection between the penny-pinching the Nevadan government does with schools' budget and low test scores. Adding money to the school district could buy newer materials and increase both staff pay and staff numbers. A higher paid staff would encourage more teachers. More teachers means smaller class sizes. Smaller class sizes results more individual help for students. As the Las Vegas Sun wrote, "The right thing for lawmakers to do is support public schools because Nevada’s children represent the state’s future." Without educated graduates, the nation will have a severely illiterate workforce.

One must rise up and fight for the public school system or America shall all face the consequences of an uneducated nation. The only way to succeed in winning the war against idiocy is to simply add more money to the education system. Students are crying out for more funding to buy newer textbooks and staff more teachers. Everyone would see a more literate and comprehending nation if more financial support was dedicated to our schools.

The Death of Public Education by Derrick Jackson
Giving Kids A Chance by The Las Vegas Sun

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